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Trump’s Panic is Palpable in His FURIOUS and Scary Saturday Tweetstorm: Increasingly Dangerous

The small “d” democratic wall held, America’s Constitution and its judicial branch held, just enough good people held, just enough of the non-Trumper GOP understood.

There are some brave Republicans … heroes, yes – that’s what we’re prepared to call them, much as we didn’t like Kemp at points before, in the end, he backed democracy and the Constitution, so did his Secretary of State, Raffensperger. Ducey in Arizona, a previously Trumpy guy, simply wouldn’t put Trump ahead of the Constitution, democracy, and his own duty and ethics. The judges will have their jobs for life. Each of the three men mentioned will almost surely be voted out in their next election.

Moreover, Trump’s own election security chief both ensured the “fairest election in American history” and then stood up for his work. Across the country, garden variety regular citizens like us did the work that preserved the integrity of the vote. These, too – are heroes, people no one will ever hear from or about. They did their jobs.

That was the wall that resisted the pick-axe taken to it by an insane, crazed, and craven president, and far too many of his cultists running at least 18 states and 126 members of the GOP in the House. It was the ultimate fitness test.

In the end, our SCOTUS tossed the lawsuit with a 9-0 vote, 7-2 on standing, and the other 2 saying they’d simply have ruled against it. The system held and it will hold through the Electoral College on Monday.

But Trump will simply not give up. It is not in his DNA. And proved that with a furious and embarrassing tweetstorm this morning that should humiliate every American as it shines a light even deeper into the dark recesses of hid demented mind:

It began around midnight by Trump quoting someone else saying what he wants to say: (We save space by combining strings, read all from top to bottom)

The ultimate selfish outlook, stupid and short:

Below, he still doesn’t understand that simple power doesn’t do it in a constitutional land:

Above, ironically, HE could have gotten standing but it wouldn’t start at the Supreme Court, only states v. states get to go straight to the SCOTUS, he doesn’t get it and doesn’t want to get it. Laws mean nothing, he means everything. This is a dictator.

The lawsuit was a disgrace and the A.G. of Texas needs a pardon.

Below, he pretends it’s about the senate race, but quickly makes it about him:

Alito and Thomas said they’d have heard it and ruled against it.

This is propaganda. They would have allowed it to proceeded and then voted against it, but it would’ve bought Trump more time to whine and try to put off other things – like invalidating the E.C.

He will say the above until the day he dies.

Below, Trump always, always, demonizes and takes revenge:

Above, oh no he won’t. He will declassify everything that makes his opponents look bad, but he won’t declassify things like his phone calls (which are surely destroyed by now.) Nor will he share his taxes.

Above, “Hunter” was always a political prop, we heard the phone call. But in terms of dropping it, it’ll be like firing Comey, right?

And that, above, is the really scary part. Sure, it could just be about raising more money, continuing to have the rubes pour it in because “they have just begun to fight,” or it could involve something far more sinister, like saying he doesn’t recognize the E.C., saying he doesn’t recognize the House final certification, potentially martial law and potentially simply refusing to leave, forcing people to force him out.

The “Big disadvantage for Republicans at the Polls!” is exactly why DOJ has a rule in which it doesn’t announce any new investigations or release any significant news on investigations out of fear that they’ll interfere with elections. DOJ normally does all it can to stay out of politics. Trump is furious that they didn’t give him an advantage. Furthermore, they opened an investigation. Anyone can “open” an investigation, it proves nothing – ask Donald Trump who claims the Mueller investigation cleared him.

Oh, and Obama never “announced” they were investigating Trump and Russia even though it would have been a big advantage for Hillary.

And the true danger begins.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak