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A Very Sickly Looking Stephen Miller Dares to Say that Joe Biden Really Doesn’t Know What He’s Doing

Our hatred for Stephen Miller is as unbounded by his hatred of others.

He made an appearance on Fox last night, one of the few times he’s spoken out in the open in quite some time, and he’s still not allowed out in daylight. Miller went straight to hysterical hypocrisy, screaming that Joe Biden doesn’t know what’s going on, the teleprompters were written in HUGE letters (because eyesight means you can’t understand anything), that Biden is out of it, and didn’t read the orders. In a priceless moment, he said that Joe Biden signed orders written by “23-year-old Berkeley grads who majored in …” something horrifically feminine and Marxist, we didn’t quite catch the words.

We all remember Trump’s first week as president. He signed a travel ban written by … 31-year-old Stephen Miller, who had no White House experience, and we absolutely know that if Trump read the order, he didn’t understand it. Trump probably didn’t read the order because Miller is giving a mirror image play-by-play of the same stuff that happened with the Trump administration and him, personally. Except Miller had to make himself sound wise and experienced, so instead of 31, Biden’s people are “23.”

We don’t know who Biden brought on board, but we guarantee it is a wise and experienced team that likely had those orders written by the beginning of December, well-researched, and exactly what Biden wanted. We guarantee that not only did Biden read them, he likely also had Obama read them to put their heads together one more time.

STFU racist maggot. Who the hell is he to call Joe Biden “out of it,” as if Stephen Miller is some wise grey-beard White House staffer. Biden has been in the Senate since the 70s, was Vice-President for eight years, and has ten times more life experience and wisdom than Miller will ever have. Miller showed up on the Trump campaign from hate radio and Cruz’s team. He fell into the White House along with Trump, no experience.

Stephen must still hurt from the courts spanking around the original travel bans that 31-year-old “Stevie” wrote up because he was big-time until judges restrained them almost immediately, making Trump so upset and Stevie, embarrassed.

Apparently, Stephen hasn’t learned a thing as he “matured.” He is going to do his racist stuff because he’s evil, not immature. It is the need to work out his insecurities that prove he’s still an evil baby.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak