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Americans Disgusted After Trump Attorney Criticizes Jen Psaki’s Looks and Says Conservative Women are ‘Just Hotter’

We never did figure out exactly what compelled Jenna Ellis to tweet about the fact that she believed “conservative women” were “hotter” (her word) than democrats or liberal women, comparing Jen Psaki to Kayleigh McEnany (Too afraid to involve herself in that match?)

It might well be that Jenna’s jealous of White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki because Psaki looks comfortable enough in her own skin and, unlike Kayleigh, Jen doesn’t need to pay someone to come in and paint a new face on her head. Kayleigh required a makeup artist. We find Jen’s way to be pretty damn hot, actually.

But “hot” doesn’t matter near as much as a woman who is comfortable with herself. Eventually, one wants to wake up with that person in the morning and no one wants to be mortified by this “stranger” in your bed. “What happened to your head? Put the paint back on!”

The other thing we’ve been told is that it’s actually kind of “bitchy” for one woman to just come right and call another “ugly” as Jenna implied. It’s actually “bitchy” coming from a man or woman, and we could unload some shit on Jenna right now if we wanted but we’re not bbb, we’re nicer. Unlike men, nearly all women have had to endure some harassment for either not being beautiful enough or being too beautiful to be appreciated beyond their body …or they have to hire someone to paint over it. And again, we could comment on Jenna if we really wanted to here but won’t.

Clearly, Jenna isn’t comfortable with herself, nor should she be, considering that she desperately wishes she was back as a White House adviser (like Jen Psaki) and not just another idiot on Twitter.

To get everyone up to speed, it was Jenna, who posted this shit yesterday. It lit Twitter up, we published a piece on it that lit up, and now we’re still trying to get answers. No one has them as you’ll see further below.

She still doesn’t fcking know what “immutable” means or she would have just used “inherent.”

But that’s the least of Jenna’s troubles. When one reviews her Twitter feed, one sees stuff like below about Christianity, which don’t seem to fit with caring about who’s hot about what, nor going around calling out women as “trying to look like a man,” which isn’t very Christ-like. We would think that Jesus might tap Jenna on the shoulder and say, “Actually, Jen Psaki is trying to look like Jen Psaki, and you wanna know what would be really hot right now? If you shut your mouth. Shhhh”

“God knows,” many of us think Psaki looks “just fine.”

Here is a random sampling of Jenna’s idea of a Christian post:

No shit? It’s Sunday! NFL Playoffs! Except we don’t need to tell everyone that the NFL playoffs are today, just like Jenna didn’t need to tell everyone she was going to “essential church,” but did anyway because Jenna’s just that Christian and definitely wants people to know about it …when she’s not calling women “manly” or calling other women hot.

Where were we? Yes, we still do not know what the hell motivated Jenna or why so many people felt compelled to weigh in on the question, but yesterday appeared to be all about whose side one might be on, Kayleigh v. Jen Psaki v. Jenna Ellis … ha ha, we kid. No one was on Ellis’ side. Conservative men just wanted to talk about the painting on Kayleigh’s head. We didn’t want to talk about anything except Jenna Ellis and her bitc …, her bitterness. Because, unlike Kayleigh, Jenna still has the White House behind her avatar on Twitter. But it’s Jen Psaki, not Jenna, or Kayleigh, in the White House right now.

That’s pretty hot. Maybe we did figure it out.

And so did others.