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‘Anatomy of a Capitol Siege,’ in Two Minutes Here’s the Only Evidence Needed to Convict Trump in the Senate

It is possible to come up with reasons for the Senate to vote “No” on conviction when the impeachment comes over from the House. We are not the least bit persuaded by any of them, but reasons to exist that could persuade some.

One reason, a conviction would only inflame the country further. True, it would inflame the country further. But the detriment is far outweighed by the fact that this is a country of laws and we do not ignore the laws simply because they can lead to a bad situation. Every week, all over the country, a dad, brother, or mother, is convicted on drug dealing charges, serious ones, impacting a family in which the only income at all was the money derived from the sales. It leaves children destitute, a person in jail (who may have just been trying to feed a family), and no easy way out. We do not wave charges because the prosecution makes the situation worse.

Besides, one could say the same thing of any impeachment; “It will only inflame the country worse.” A president will always have supporters upset by the impeachment process.

Moreover, there is a cancer metastasizing in this country that needs to be excised, to reinforce that there are limitations on presidents, and some behavior – such as insurrection, for gods sake – will not be tolerated. Trump will not be the last insane president. The next one needs to know, a precedent has been set.

Another reason to not convict? He’s five days away from being out of office and even though a conviction means he cannot run again, he actually isn’t much of a threat to run and win again anyway. His approval ratings are at 29%. Suffice it to say, they aren’t going up and he’s not winning anything in the future.

Again, none of the above persuades us at all. We believe a trial and conviction is necessary.

One thing is clear. No one can acquit Trump (vote “Not guilty) because they don’t see enough evidence.

There is more than enough evidence to convict Trump. You will hear some on the right say that the attack was “preplanned” and thus Trump didn’t incite anything. This is Junior’s argument and it’s just as stupid as Junior. Indeed, even IF Trump didn’t incite the attack, there is clear evidence to convict Trump for not stepping in and doing something much earlier. He put lives in danger through action and inaction. The inaction alone would warrant impeachment.

As for the presentation of evidence at trial? It would take two minutes. The House managers need only show this two-minute video, case closed. Watch:

As we said, there is every reason to prosecute, every reason to convict, and above is every piece of evidence needed in just one montage.

Case closed.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak