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Catholic Priest Fired After Performing Exorcisms to Keep Trump in Office

We have repeatedly noted that there are very serious academics and experts warning us that the MAGA movement could morph into its own independent religion. If we on the left thought they were dangerous prior to this point – and they most certainly were – we should shudder with even greater intensity at the thought of a significant number of people believing that they’re called by God and Trump to action (we might be talking about significant overlap regarding Trump and God at this point.)

A Wisconsin priest performed exorcisms of the process, voting machines, and quite possibly all of us. The man is not just some rogue jackass whom no one’s heard of, it is a man with a huge following on his blog, which makes it newsworthy.

From The Tablet [1], a Catholic news site:

 Fr John Zuhlsdorf has been carrying out exorcisms about what he describes as “fraud” and “lying” during the vote-counting process.  

Most of us believed that exorcisms could only be done if it was believed that Satan occupied someone’s person. Apparently not, the bishop in Wisconsin says they can be performed on places and processes. But, a bishop must give a priest permission to even perform an exorcism and the bishop did not do so with Zuhlsdorf. Perhaps because the man is a freak and was fired for going rogue.

The priest, who runs the popular “Fr Z” blog [2], carried out one of his live-streamed daily exorcisms against possible electoral fraud on the day before a group of Trump supporters violently attacked Capitol Hill in Washington DC.

Interesting. Now let’s hear from the man himself:

“I think it’s amply clear, there’s enough evidence to demonstrate that there was fraud in some places, and people had to commit that fraud, it didn’t happen by itself. It seems to have been well-organised. I am deeply concerned that anyone involved in this has put their soul in terrible mortal peril.   

“We have to be concerned about the people involved in this who might have lied, or who might have committed fraud, concerning this election. This is not cheating to steal the election to 5th grade class president. This is something on a whole different scale, it’s quantitatively so vastly larger, that it’s qualitatively a different kind of a situation and sin. This isn’t like going over and stealing a newspaper off your neighbour’s porch.”

Holy shit!

It would appear that the man just called us Satanic and-or that we’re going to hell. Maybe we got a free exorcism? It doesn’t seem to be limited. On the other hand, we received the exorcism and oppose the MAGAs and Trump even more. This would seem to be much-needed evidence in the matter. Remove Satan and one opposes Trump more? Supports Biden with more strength? Puzzling.

We are backing out slowly, this is beyond creepy.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak