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Don Jr. Gets Throttled for Bragging About Dad With a Painfully Oblivious Tweet, Americans Laugh and Rage

Permanent war is a huge problem and so is barely concealed modern colonialism. To be fair, we should note that there are competing concerns. The world expects the single biggest military and richest country to step in when it looks like there’s about to be genocide or when there is unchecked aggression. Still, the U.S. has continually missed on the side of permanent war and that is unquestionably a problem.

Moreover, the world is a complicated place and the troops that we have in certain areas are not there to just hang out symbolically, there is a reason. It usually has something to do with the fact that a few sides of bad guys are itching to have at each other if the U.S. just got out of the way. There is also the need to check entities like ISIS and Syria from attacking innocent civilians.

On some occasions, it can be more cowardly to not use force. Trump seemed to pull troops out of southern Syria as a direct consequence of a call with Turkey’s Erdogan, freeing Erdogan to rape and pillage, easily demonstrates when it is cowardly to pull troops out while also “guarding the oil.” (So obvious and embarrassing.)

It all adds up to nothing but nausea when one sees a tweet by noted statesman and asshole, Don Junior. Regulars know we keep an eye on Junior’s effort to maintain his relevance. We worry about him for the sole reason that the MAGAs love him.

Yes, well, the problem with this is not just limited to the fact that it can be cowardly and wrong to avoid war at the wrong place and time, “appeasement,” which is what we did in Syria. It is just factually wrong. Obama didn’t “start a new war” – it is hard to count having drones over Yemen attempting to bomb terrorists hurting innocents. Bill Clinton had Somalia but that was hardly a war, a mission went bad but hardly a war. Carter, Nixon, they didn’t start new wars.

Regardless, the real problem is that Trump did start a war at home. If we find out that Trump had a conflict with Russia and thus couldn’t cross Russia, allowing Putin to hack our computers, give orders to Trump, and pay bounties for our troops, all while inciting a Batallion of MAGAs to war on the Capitol, that’s a war. Indeed it’s worse because Trump fought his war against any American that didn’t support him.

Junior took it on the chin, appropriately so:

And then there’s this. If more Americans die of COVID than World War II, is that somehow a victory?

And we’re headed to 500,000 which will all be on Trump.

We still do not believe that anything Obama did could be called “a new war.” Bombing in an attempt to protect the people of Yemen is not a new war.

Just a completely dangerous moron. And yet the MAGAs will believe him.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak