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Eric Trump Writes Letter Thanking America for “Giving Him a Front Row Seat’ to the Most ‘Remarkable’ Presidency in History

Eric Trump is known as “the dumb one,” so maybe it was too much to expect him to express his disagreement with federal energy policy in words. No, Eric used a cartoon and self-interest to make his point. There is much more below:

Ha ha, Eric. Nice job. The only thing you or your MAGA base cares about is saving $0.40 per gallon to save the planet. Too much to ask for your grandchildren’s benefit. And by the way, we haven’t seen prices go up quite yet, Eric. But that’s complicated.

Meanwhile …

Our readers likely don’t know that any president or family sacrificed more than the Trumps. But Donald Trump and Eric “carried tremendous weight through unprecedented resistance and persecution.” But in Eric Trump’s world, it’s actually true, their great sacrifice goes unacknowledged.

We suspect that if Jackie Kennedy were alive, she might drive directly to Trump Tower and stand there until Eric appeared, just to slap him. The Kennedys were plenty rich and spoiled, too, Eric.

Hilariously, as Eric remembers his “journey,” he mentions Buckingham Palace, the beaches of Normandy, farmers in the Midwest, and boat parades. That’s quite the list, Eric!! Here is what we would have written had someone put us in your place for thirty of the most painful seconds of our lives: “The many who lost their lives to the pandemic, we will never forget their memory, nor will we forget the medical staffs’ heroism in the face of danger, the many Americans from all walks of life and every state that fight for their country, the staff at the White House that helped my family through a difficult time, and the support of my wife and children. We are truly blessed to live in such a great nation.” But that’s just us and we’re now out of that painful phase.

Get a load of Eric, “the Dumb One:”

One of the most “remarkable and consequential presidencies in American history.”  Well, we guess it’s all in the interpretation, isn’t it now, Eric?

The MAGA movement is one of love and patriotism, especially on January 6th when they rose up, right Eric?

Jesus, these people. He got some responses!

God we wish he would leave the scene but we fear both Lara Lee, Eric, and the old man ain’t done yet.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak