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Lou Dobbs Says Our Country Will Never Heal Until We Reckon With How Mean Everyone Was to Trump

Let’s make this perfectly clear. Donald Trump did not face the vilest, venomous response from the public even going back to 2010, never mind back to Lincoln. Additionally, John F. Kennedy was not particularly popular for sending federal troops into the south to desegregate the schools and lost half his head over it. Without considering Oswald’s motives, the reports are legend throughout the south that when the announcements were made in high schools some broke into applause. That is venom.

But Lou Dobbs believes Trump’s an angel and all this criticism is venom that he doesn’t deserve.

Lou Dobbs spoke with Pastor Robert Jeffress, who effusively defended the president and his legacy as the two of them railed against Republicans criticizing and condemning Trump over the mob violence last week.

“His legacy will endure,” Jeffress said.

Damn right it will. The legacy of the worst president in United States history, the only one to make war against his own country, all to benefit himself. And, we don’t know half of it. We are still waiting on the financial reports about Trump’s taxes and investigations into Trump’s relationship with Russia.

“Also enduring are the corrupt forces within our government,” Dobbs agreed, “who worked against him for more than four years… trying to destroy the man.”

“It is the most vile, venomous assault ever conducted against a president in our country’s history,” Dobbs said. “Short of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.”

Bill Clinton was hounded by a special prosecutor whose original mission was to determine whether a land deal in Arkansas was legal. The land deal wasn’t a crime, but the prosecution turned into a full-time ongoing investigation of everything in search of a crime. When they finally found one, it was a semi-lie about whether there “is” a sexual affair with an intern. (present tense, they’d broken up). Clinton said no and got impeached over lying about his girlfriend. (wrong as it was).

McKinley was assassinated. LBJ was kept awake at night, night after night, about killing kids. And then there is Obama, who endured questions posed by Trump about whether a Kenyan should be president.

This is Lou Dobbs, and this is the ultimate in Right-Wing victimization. These poor snowflakes don’t know what to do when the public turns against them.

Dobbs then went on to say our country can never heal or move on until we understand the truth and the reality of what we have witnessed over the course of the past four years.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak