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Mike Huckabee Says ‘If We’re Going To Impeach Trump…Then We’d Better Impeach Kamala Harris’

Oh dear God, it’s starting already. The dumb right-wing pundits talking impeachment for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris before they’ve even taken the oath of office.

Gov. Mike Huckabee said on Saturday that since Donald Trump has been impeached for using “reckless” words, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris should also be impeached for raising bail money for Black Lives Matters protesters.

“Politicians say reckless things all the time,” Huckabee told Fox Business Network.

Now, inciting an insurrection is a bit more than “reckless” words, but we couldn’t expect the host to mention this.

Trump told a large crowd of his supporters on Jan. 6, “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. We will never give up, we will never concede.”

Later that day, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building, forcing members of Congress to seek safety while five people were killed during the riot.

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to impeach Trump — for the second time — for inciting insurrection.

“If we’re going to impeach Donald Trump for what he said, then we’d better impeach Kamala Harris for saying the things she did last summer about the rioters and looters — and even establishing a monetary fund to get them out of jail on bail so they could get back to the riots,” Huckabee continued.

“Everybody should have a turn,” he added.

Huckabee was referring to Harris’ promotion of the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that successfully raised bail money to release protesters following the death of George Floyd over the summer.

Huckabee said Trump’s role in the fracas did not “serve the country’s interest very well,” adding that he disagreed with the Trump pressuring Mike Pence to invoke an imagined power to reject the results of the Electoral College certification.

“I think Mike Pence was right and the president was totally off the mark when it comes to what Pence could do. But that’s not an impeachable offense,” he said.

Huckabee suggested “the biggest consequence” of impeachment for Trump is how it stains his legacy and clouds “four years of amazing accomplishments as president.”