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Nikki Haley Says Trump is the True Victim of the Insurrection, ‘Give the Man a Break!’

We have all just been too hard on poor Donald Trump. It is simply unfair. Marco Rubio said that it’s amazing Congress took the week off, but did have time to impeach private citizen Donald Trump as if Donald Trump is somehow a more “private” citizen than Hunter Biden.  Now Nikki Haley is demanding that we give poor Donald Trump a break.

She did, however, acknowledge that the failed coup, the insurrection that killed a cop in front of the Capitol was “not great.” Haley has never been more disgusting and infuriating.

We are not the least bit sorry to say that holding a president accountable for his role in inciting an insurrection seems like one of the three most important duties facing the new government. If one wants to put this in context, Nikki Haley is asking us to ignore the fact that “the man” continued to scream about a rigged election for two months, two full months, not once giving Joe Biden a “break” from the outrage. But now, only twenty days after the insurrection, we’re supposed to let bygones be bygones. It wasn’t “great” that Trump tried a coup but jeezus, give the man a break!

Where the fck was Nikki Haley and her “at some point move on” message after the election? Was it before December 15th? Before January 6th? We don’t think so because she would have set herself in direct opposition to Trump’s message and that’s just not something Nikki does.

People rightly roared back at the outrageous self-promoter:

She is not serious on the inside but she’s “dead serious” with her words and deadly serious about her attempt to get the MAGAs to rise up in fury about a possible conviction of the man they live for. She wants the Senate to afraid to convict Trump and she definitely wants Trump and his MAGA party supporting her.

Yes, above, Molly always nails it. In effect, Nikki says that Trump should get a free shot at a coup. It failed, so what? Move on.

Jordy from Meidas, right again.

Now, this is very interesting. How many are protecting Trump only to protect themselves and self-dealing? Haley seems like a prime candidate for such an explanation.

We are not at all in the mood this morning to hear about turning the page. As much as people are sick of Trump and as tempting as it is, the only responsible thing to do is follow-up on this. If one isn’t going to impeach a man who incited an attempted coup, then one might as well let him or the next guy have their coup. It is settled, it’s okay.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak