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Petty Trump Moved Presidential Portraits of Clinton and Bush to Room Where No One Can See Them

This is the type of story one has to read three times to ensure it isn’t a parody account or that there isn’t some legitimate reason such as a “fire” or a renovation. But it seems like the “legitimate reason” is that Donald Trump is the most insecure baby to hold … any position that comes quickly to mind.

Official portraits of presidents – especially recent presidents – are hung in the Grand Foyer of the White House. However, within the last week, the portraits of both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were replaced by two Republican presidents who served over one-hundred years ago.

Of course, Barack Obama’s portrait hasn’t been moved because it hasn’t been hung. President Obama is awaiting an adult to occupy the White House to having his portrait hung by President Biden.

According to CNN [1], “White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.” Yes, this makes sense, so that people don’t have to point and say “Who is that?” (Would you recognize a portrait of James Buchanan?)

Or at least it was the tradition until at least July 8th, the day that Trump received President Andres Lopez Obrador of Mexico. Both presidents stood in what’s known as the Cross Hall of the White House and made their remarks, with portraits of Bush and Clinton hung just as they have been throughout Trump’s term.

Within days afterward, the two portraits had been removed. No, we’re not kidding. They were moved into the “Old Family Dining Room,” which – as it would sound – is a room rarely used and never seen by the average visitor. The portraits were likely placed in the room because someone overruled Trump and said the trash bin was off-limits.

The benefit to Trump is obvious – to Trump, he doesn’t have to have these two men looking at him every morning when he descends the stairs. The paintings now in the “Old Family Dining Room” will likely be outside of Trump’s view for what we hope is the rest of his short tenure. To give you an idea, CNN says that the room is now mainly used for storing tablecloths and furniture.

The White House didn’t respond immediately for a request for comment. We can do the response for the White House: “Trump did it because he could, and he hates being reminded of the fact that he’s less popular than both of those men, neither of whom is held among the giants that have held that office. But neither of whom is listed in the bottom … two?”

According to CNN, Trump hates both the Bushes, can’t stand Bill Clinton – he is the husband of “Crooked Hillary,” so of course, he hates Bill Clinton. And, famously, Trump really hates Barack Obama – and not because he thinks Barack Obama spied on his campaign. Noooo, he hated Barack Obama long before the FBI had suspicions about Trump and Russia. Nowadays he hates Barack Obama because Barack Obama was respected around the world, loved by over half the people in the country – most damningly, by the sophisticated set – Obama had a bigger inauguration crowd size and had Springsteen and U2 play (as opposed to the forgettable that Trump had), oh – and that Nobel Peace Prize thing, which comes with a million dollars, Trump wants that bad.

If one didn’t know better, it would appear that Trump hates damned near everyone, perhaps because they don’t appreciate his greatness enough. If there is a smaller man on earth, we’d like to meet him. Donald Trump has managed to take the most vaulted office and position on earth and make it smaller than the manager of the produce section at Walmart – by a lot.