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Racist Trump Media Victim Megyn Kelly Blames CNN for the Riots Because They ‘Hate Trump So Much’

Megyn Kelly continues to be one of the most enduring examples of the fantastically rich, gorgeous conservative blonde willing to say terrible conservative things to drive rating. Thus she continues to face all the limitations and opportunities therein. Kelly makes money, a lot of money. And she was thought to have crossover appeal, that she wasn’t wedded to the conservative-Fox mediasphere. She could branch out, or so the theory went.

Events came together such that forced her hand. She tried more mainstream content.

You surely recall that during the first GOP debate, Trump coughed out his misogynistic “blood out of her whatever” comment. Ironically, it put the entire Fox network – except Sean – into an antagonistic relationship with Trump, at least early on. When it became clear that Trump would win the nomination, it all became a problem. One of Fox’s biggest stars, Kelly, still hated him and yet Fox had to love him. At the same time, evidence of Roger Ailes’ predatory abuse came out along with a breathtaking number of terminations for what had to be one of the worst working environments for women anywhere. No woman should have been subjected to that kind of abuse and despite being an awful person, Kelly is no exception.

The time seemed perfect to part ways and they did, Kelly backed up a Brinks truck and took tens of millions in Murdoch money. She went to NBC to lift up the hours after the Today Show, or so the theory went. There, in an impressively short time, she demonstrated she had exactly no crossover appeal. Her ratings sucked and she went through several mini-scandals before the blackface scandal. She had to go, but not without taking $60 million from NBC.

One would think that she might retire (not that women reach a sell-by date). She had made plenty of money and plenty of mistakes. She could have mentored, perhaps even protected, some of the more naive younger women coming up in the media. Perhaps we are the naive ones for even mentioning it.

Instead, it appears that she’s doing all she can possibly do to get back to the conservative biosphere in which she thrived. But there’s only one road back into that world and it’s laced with fake gold “T’s.” The problem is that she has absolutely no credibility when it comes to Trump. People know that she hates the man and thus people know that she’s acting. Megyn is a trained attorney and as much as people might write her off as just another blonde bombshell with mediocre IQ it just doesn’t fit here.

She knows exactly what she’s doing and that’s why it’s just that much more pathetic to see this:

They checked their “objectivity” about a man who ultimately caused a riot and insurrection? Who checked their objectivity again? The people forced to pretend to love Trump are the ones who have no objectivity.

Why does she appear so desperate? It cannot possibly be money. Again, she’s too smart to have blown that big hill of cash she’s built up (We would be shocked if she had less than $100 million to fall back upon). She clearly must want that attention back, that podium back, and that influence back.

And that’s pathetic, disgusting, and sets a horrific example to young women coming up that are trying to make it on their brain and talent rather than looking like a model.

We were under the impression that as racist and cunning as she is, she was not this desperate. We were wrong, but we’re in very good company in overestimating her.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak