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The Lincoln Project Compares the First Press Briefing From Trump and Biden and It is PRICELESS

We thought we said goodbye to Kayleigh. We actually have, so we’re sticking her at the end.

The important thing is that we had an honest to dog real press conference today given by a true professional.

Press conferences by the White House spokesperson matter. The most powerful branch of government speaks to some of the best journalists in the world who then pass the information along to us. That information has to be accurate if people can even form an opinion upon which to fight like grown-ups. That’s how we decide what to do with that information, like a real country.

Moreover, we’re not the only country on Earth that watches our press conferences. When a nation like ours has a military with carriers plowing the seas and satellites that can guide missiles from the other side of the Earth to hit any specific window we want, countries are going to watch us closely to make sure we’re not using that military to cause trouble for everyone. If we fling lies in press conferences or never-to-be-damned-enough tweets, countries get nervous. That’s not good.

This administration set itself apart from the last administration on day one and the Lincoln Project has the proof. The Biden administration gave us an understated conference, it had no agenda, and they gave us the truth about COVID and other meaningful issues. The last administration sent Sean Spicer to talk about the stupidest issue ever addressed at that podium, with an obvious lie, crowd size!

Meanwhile, Kayleigh McEnany inserted herself into our lives – again – to promote Trump and thus herself and it literally came up alongside the Lincoln Project’s tweet in our feed. Amazing.


You said that yesterday, it was virtually the same thing.

Yes, Trump’s legacy will endure, for all the worst reasons. The most dishonest, incompetent, most corrupt, most Manchurian, and perhaps most criminal administration in history.

Kayleigh must need a job with Trump. There is no other explanation. She did have great timing, though. No better way to show her true colors.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak