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Trump Humiliated and Taunted with Sky Banners Flying Above Mar-a-Lago: ‘You Pathetic Loser’ and ‘Go Back to Moscow!’

Yes, we do know that we’re taking far too much pleasure in the schadenfreude of Trump being a “former president”, which might be redundant but we suspect that we’re clear enough and everyone understands. And we know this is not essential and important news…but we think it’s kind of fun.

We’re not the only ones.

Now, getting messages to Trump must be pretty difficult. We suspect that he’s sticking mostly to OAN and Newsmax right now. The sting must still smart and he surely wants to steer clear of all the reminders on every other channel right now including Fox. Judge Judy is out because Trump is having nightmares about courtrooms.

We suspect he isn’t the type to listen to the radio. Buying ads on crazed MAGA conspiracy sites sounds like a plan until one realizes that there are twenty billion sites and he could possibly be on more than one or two million at a time.

So it’s tough. We like the idea of sneaking onto his golf course at night or playing just ahead of him and replacing the flags on the greens with little “MEGA LOSER” or something equally juvenile and ridiculous.

But this will likely do:

The amazing Daniel Uhlfelder also got us video, what a champ!

From TMZ:

A sky-writing plane was spotted in the air Sunday heading toward Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, and it had a banner trailing behind it … taking direct aim at the former President. One set of letters read, “TRUMP YOU PATHETIC LOSER GO BACK TO MOSCOW.”

The Moscow thing is a nice touch because it sounds to us like he might need to look to Moscow for some more cash to keep his assets from being seized and he’s probably still worried that someone’s going to figure out the whole Moscow thing.

We doubt Trump saw it but it is unique enough that someone might tell him about it or he might have someone try to shoot it out of the sky.

Anyway, Americans had some fun with it:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak