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Trump Needs Cash Fast as Loans Come Due and Banks Looking at Seizing Assets

We understand.

Many of you are sick of reading about Trump. We’re tired of writing about him, but today seems to be a day reverberating with the impact of the end of his presidency, almost like gravity waves, only bigger. This story matters to national security.

He needs cash, fast. It is one of the difficulties of investing in real estate, one needs massive cash flow to keep the properties up and it doesn’t take a long time for a dip to cause significant consequences. You cannot just instantly sell some property to get some cash (unlike stocks or currencies). It is not like this desperation snuck up on Trump, he’s known that he has huge loans coming due in the near future for a long time.

We worry because one of the few marketable assets that Trump has is his ability to talk about our national security posture. This is a guy who told the world leaders the location of one of our submarines at that moment, one of the most closely kept secrets on earth. Most people on those submarines don’t know their own location while on duty, other than theatre.

As always, some people would pay quite a bit of money for those secrets. Additionally, Trump retains the ability to influence Republican pols, to say the least. If a foreign entity needed a policy changed or money raised by Congress, we face the same problem.

These are the issues that led the intelligence committee to recommend shutting off Trump’s access to classified materials immediately upon being out of office. According to the man who wrote the book on Deutsche and Trump:

Enrich, who wrote “Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction,” said the ex-president is facing a slew of banks that won’t have anything to do with him and that previous lenders have already announced they are cutting him off from new credit.

I think it’s a very serious financial impact for him,” Enrich quickly replied. “He has hundreds of millions of dollars of debt coming due in the next few years, most of it to Deutsche Bank, but not all of it. And normally, a borrower would go to the lender and say, ‘can we refinance the loan, extend it a few years?’ That’s not going to be an option for Trump with most of these loans.

He’s going to need to come up with a lot of cash quickly or he’s going to be at risk of defaulting,” he added. “In the case of Deutsche Bank, if he defaults, the bank has recourse to his personal assets. They could go to court to seize his property or the money he has in various banking accounts. So he’s going to need to come up with cash very quickly and his businesses right now are struggling, so it’s very unclear to me where he might be able to get that money.

Yes, Trump’s businesses are just beginning to plummet and they weren’t doing well before he tried his coup.

And no. Trump is not going to get refinancing through Deutsche. So, which “bank” out there might consider refinancing for him? Even if the Russians or Saudis wanted to do the re-fi, people might well be watching a little too closely for them to do it. No one will want to refinance for him if Trumphas nothing to “sell” and has no hope of running again.

This is going to be a difficult period for all of us. Trump is certainly not as big a risk as he was when in the White House but he does remain a risk. We will be forced to report upon those risks until he’s truly “gone.” Unfortunately.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak