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Al Franken Humiliates Cruz and D’Souza: Details All the Ways a Senator Can Help His Fellow Texans

Readers will note that we made the exact same point Al is about to make right after Ted left. Although to be fair, all semi-thoughtful people would also have made the exact same point, only better. Anyone who can take phone calls from friends, acquaintances, donors, and others on the ground, who can then call someone very high in the federal government, reporting conditions, and a location’s specific needs, can be highly effective. A very good state disaster coordinator can do a lot, if only those people very high up would take their call.

President Biden would take Cruz’s call, much as he might loathe Cruz. Everyone else does.

But everyone would be committed to those people on the ground. This last week, Dinesh D’Souza felt the need to provide his fellow conservative, Cruz, some cover. The cover came down to a very complex point, essentially “What could Cruz even be expected to do?” It did not go over well.

Al Franken, a guy who certainly should be in the Senate were it not for a problem, one on which reasonable people could disagree with respect to the appropriate penalty (he deserved some kind of penalty, #Me too). Anyway, Franken is better than Cruz and D’Souza squared. Read top to bottom to save space:

“Being there.” By staying, Ted would know exactly what his constituents went through. It would be a highly motivating factor when addressing the entire situation afterward. Reading about it and watching on television do nothing. The above is enough in and of itself. There will be hearings and Ted should be able to relate the personal experience.

Yep. You can even tell people, “I was going to Cancun with my family, but this is where I need to be.” People will be more likely to have hope. More than half the people in Texas voted for the guy, it tells them that he thinks it’ll be okay.

Ted doesn’t have a soul, but good thought.

Nice job, Al.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


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