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Candace Owens Says Trump’s CPAC Speech Will Get Better Ratings than Any of Biden’s — Is Quickly Schooled


Just one year ago, in March of 2020, the United States was entering one of the most terrifying “unknowns” in generations. A virus threatened to stand down society. We didn’t know how lethal the virus would ultimately prove to be, whether it would quickly mutate (It is probably best we didn’t know it would kill 600,000 before it was “contained” as it likely will). We didn’t know whether it would be amenable to a vaccine, it is a covid virus, similar to colds, there are no vaccines for the common cold. We didn’t know how we could get through this economically. We didn’t know how we’d get through it at all with the worst leadership this country has had, perhaps ever.

In the midst of all it, Mike Pence – as head of the task force, started having daily briefings. They went well, primarily because Mike Pence projected a fraction of competence and far more care and compassion than Donald Trump ever did or could. A low bar.

The moment that Pence started getting good reviews on his daily briefings, Trump took over. And do you remember? In the midst of all the unknowns, we bet you remember a couple of phrases, “Monday Night Football ratings,” “Grand Finale of The Bachelor ratings,” remember? A president of the United F’ing States, in the midst of a national disaster, was talking about his speech’s ratings, as if he was paid by the percentage point like he was when he was a reality TV star.

It was all too revealing of the man who ran the entire government as if it was one long terrible pilot. And his presence and priorities have washed down to the MAGAs even today, as Trump readies for his dramatic return at CPAC:

As near as we can tell, Joe Biden just won a ratings bonanza by over seven million votes and won the ratings in states like Arizona and Georgia. Does Candace think that Donald Trump finds those ratings to be depressing?

We are also skeptical of Right-Wing ratings anyway. Right-wing radio works because liberals tend to just listen to NPR or music. Generally speaking, Right-Wing television gets higher ratings because liberals get far more of their news by reading. On a Sunday afternoon, Trump v. Biden on speeches (Biden doesn’t have a speech scheduled today) we are sure that Trump would win every time. For one, no one wants to miss that day when Trump’s head just explodes on live television. Second, liberals are out at the dog park, farmers’ market, rock climbing, gardening, or watching playoff hockey (we are everyday folks, too).

So ratings really are meaningless. Right now, Joe Biden does care about ratings. He cares about the rate at which people are being vaccinated, he cares about the rate of daily deaths, he cares about the unemployment ratings and the rate of the minimum wage. Biden does care about ratings, he just doesn’t care about television ratings.



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak