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CPAC Cancels Speaker After Anti-Semitic, Pro-Pizzagate Posts Surface, Judaism is a ‘Complete Lie’

You really cannot make this stuff up.

CPAC meets next weekend for its annual conference-lovefest, a Magapalooza of joy, bitterness, pride, and fear. It is the ultimate echo-chamber, a gathering where aspiring conservative politicians from age 22 to 82 battle to “outconserve” the others. It is very tough to get to the top of that pile.

This year’s theme sounded perfect, to CPAC: “America Uncanceled.”

Interesting. CPAC just “canceled” one of their speakers for having reprehensible views that “have no home in their conference.” We are not sure how CPAC’s top dogs got wind of the issues involved with the speaker. Indeed, CPAC didn’t even name the speaker, though the net seems to know. Do not get us wrong, CPAC was absolutely correct in canceling this man, some of the accusations cannot even be printed here. The amazing thing is that the man got invited at all.

CPAC made the announcement without a hint of irony or shame.

As we said, it was more than deserved. The tweet below is actually one of the more understated regarding Young Pharaoh’s views:

As much as we hate CPAC’s “racism in suits” and as much as one should worry that “racism in suits” is far more dangerous in the long run, CPAC was right to go ahead and face the ridicule, canceling one of their “own.” We should be a little fairer to CPAC on that. He is not one of their own. They can rest easy on that, we can acknowledge it. But maybe they best not rest all that easily, many of us will still be coming after the others, the ones who hide their shameful views, whether racism or something else, under a suit.

Perhaps CPAC could learn a lesson. Some people must be canceled. It is CPAC’s choice as a private organization. Having no home in your organization is exactly like a company’s decision to cancel the home of someone who abused a social media platform.

There is no such thing as “Cancel culture.” But sometimes one doesn’t want to be associated with certain views or behavior. Nothing more.

Here are some of the tweets, if you care to see:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak