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CPAC Stage Designed Exactly Like a German SS Insignia That is STILL Banned in Germany

We are going to have to be very careful in reporting on this startling and possibly sick observation because, as we’ve had to note before, news media faces increasingly complex rules regarding the use of certain words on various social media platforms. This would be especially dangerous ground when talking about World War II insignias coming out of N*z* Germany.

It is probably also best to be careful in ascribing any sort of design to older, darker, groups. One can take nearly every single NASA patch ever made and tie it to something in the masons or something similar. There are only so many ways one can make triangles, squares, all that. So due caution is warranted whenever venturing into this area. Besides, if one wants to dive deeply into  Illuminati or masonry symbols, pull out a dollar bill, if you have one left. Look it over and become convinced that your nation is run by a lineage of all-seeing people that go back to ancient Egypt.

All that being said, there are good reasons to watch the hard-right very closely. How many disgusting shirts did we see at the insurrection? Insignias with 6MWNE (6 Million Was Not Enough), and references to concentration camps? How many times have we seen pictures of the far-right throwing hands signs, the three fingers extended  “W for White” and the thumb-pointy figure curled “P for Power.” There is a damned good reason to look closely at various attempts to send messages that the NYT won’t comment upon because no one can prove whether something was intentional.

We cannot prove that CPAC purposefully referenced an SS Insignia that is banned in Germany,  but someone intentionally designed a stage that doesn’t seem to have any utility in its design, and yet it’s a direct match:

We want to say it’s totally random and means nothing. Except in a normal setting, one would want people sitting fairly close to the speaker, and yet that stage is designed in such a way that it makes right angles all around the speaker. It is almost impossible to conceive of coming up with that stage setting by accident.

We cannot prove anything but that picture really is suspect.

We don’t know enough to come to a conclusion. We do know that it is weird and that someone designed that stage as weird as it is. If it was completely innocent, it is a very odd-looking innocent design.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak