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Don Jr. Freaks Out Over SCOTUS Ruling Trump Must Hand Over Taxes: ‘Witch Hunt Never Ends!’

Junior may project a lot of confidence asserting that the entire New York investigation is a political witch hunt but he’s clearly bothered by it.

The tax documents may well impact his future. Given a choice, he would rather those documents remain hidden in big accounting offices. We know because he screamed while spitting out excuses as to why the production of Trump’s tax returns is an outrage. Junior doesn’t seem to handle pressure very well, the ranting and raving weren’t very convincing, nor outlined in an understandable argument.

In fact, he looked and sounded bad. He was as sweaty as ever, talking like he got paid by the word, and even shouted into the camera several times. We almost want someone to step in and maybe ask some caring questions. Maybe.

Junior had a few interesting defenses in his video. He says that the New York Times published Trump’s taxes and it was a big nothing. Wrong. There were several portions in the taxes that people believed would support criminal charges. And the New York Times didn’t get all the taxes.

The other interesting argument is that Mueller investigated all this in “Russia Russia Russia” and found nothing other than a witch hunt.. This is insane. The DOJ specifically blocked Mueller from investigating Trump’s financial background. Moreover, prosecutors do not “prove someone innocent.” They may not find enough evidence to convict. The Mueller investigation specifically said that all the lying and hidden messages on “WhatsApp” made the investigation into ties to Russia very difficult to prove. Roger Stone was convicted for lying and obstruction of justice in this very matter.

Trump has not been exonerated.

If Trump had been actually exonerated, Junior wouldn’t be so worried. It is worth keeping in mind that all of this is wrapped up in the fact that Trump refused to produce his taxes while running. We think he had a reason. Indeed, Trump took the issue all the way to the Supreme Court, where his attorneys took the position that a president couldn’t be prosecuted even if he… shot a man on 5th Avenue. The president was immune. Perhaps that was the only defense he had. But the SCOTUS shot it down and Trump is even more exposed now.

Junior wants the MAGAs prepared because these books might well be cooked.

And obviously, a lot of people took the opportunity to retort:

Wow, there are many more that continue on the themes above.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak