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Former Trump Staff are Complaining That No One Will Hire Them Following Capitol Riots

Now that Donald Trump is no longer president, many of his former staffers are eager to take on new jobs well away from their former boss. Some who formerly loved their jobs have lighted in remote getaways thanks to plenty of unused vacation time. Others however are desperately trying to get help from former colleagues to find work that distances them from their former boss, Politico [1] reports.

“There’s a lot of resumé passing and people just wanting to help people land on their feet,” said one former Trump administration official.

But Trump’s reputation has tarred these prospective employees and they are finding the job market rather bleak. The odds of them finding work in corporate America are virtually nil and for some, promising leads have dried up after the Capitol siege earlier this month. Another former Trump administration official said they knew of “people who got jobs rescinded because of Jan. 6,” but one Republican strategist characterized the situation more brusquely.

“They are really f*cked,” the strategist noted, referencing top officials who stayed with Trump up to the end. “The Hill scramble, one of the few places where they’d be welcomed, already happened a month or so ago… They were told over and over to take their hand off the hot stove, and they didn’t want to listen.”

And the bottom-of-the-heap staffers aren’t the only ones dealing with this. Former staffers familiar with Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff, said he’s considering a position at the Trump Organization because even though he spent seven years in the House of Representatives, the job offers aren’t flooding in.

Faced with these obstacles, some former staffers are now circulating an ersatz directory of potential job openings amonst each other. Other officials have started their own businesses or made their way back to the Republican offices where they previously worked.

Barely a month ago, it was a different scene: Trump had lost the election but it looked like he would be gearing up for another stab at the presidency in 2024, and he’d have plenty of allies and former staff to help out. Now, however, former staffers are hopping away from him like fleas leaving a dead dog, even going so far as to leave Washington for red states like Texas and Florida, in the hopes of having better job prospects.

One former senior administration official notes that many within the administration were waiting until the Electoral College votes were certified to start their job searches because they didn’t wish to divert from Trump’s attempts to challenge the election results.

Then came the Jan. 6 riots, and that turned everything upside down.

“They looked to that [Jan. 6] as the end of the limbo state people were operating in so they could start moving on to the next thing,” the official said. “But the 6th put a shock to that.”

So it looks like the “next thing” is going to be the unemployment line. That’s quite fitting considering the fact that they supported a man who caused thousands of Americans to lose their jobs and their lives in this pandemic. Perhaps they will learn something about empathy, considering that so many Republicans seem to lack it.