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Fox Reports It Was a GOP Colleague Who Reported on the Hated Cruz and His Vacation to Cancun

Well, this is what happens when one is the most hated man in Congress. When your “friends” are not your friends, only allies, they will be the first to stick a knife in your back the moment it becomes politically helpful. Or, someone was just that angry. It turns out that a Republican notified the media that Ted Cruz took off to Cancun amidst his state’s biggest disaster in… no one knows yet because the total damage remains unknown.

Apparently no one knows which Republican, either. From Rawstory [1]:

Texans awakened to another day of frigid temperatures and a dangerous situation in the state. Power has begun to be restored, according to outage maps [2], but the state’s U.S. senator abandoned them for warmer weather.

Photos surfaced online of someone resembling Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in an airport and on a plane [3] headed to the Mexico beach town of Cancún. Multiple media requests were sent to Cruz’s office and each has been ignored by his staff. But one GOP source outed Cruz to Fox News [4] reporter Paul Steinhauser.

Yeah, that will happen when a guy has exactly no friends.

Ted Cruz is not even remotely stupid. He is one of the smartest people on the Hill. He took this vacation out of pure selfishness, the same reason men like him will have affairs with young staffers even while knowing that it could ruin their political and personal life. We suppose that Cancun was just too beautiful and warm to pass up.

Now he has to regret it deeply because Cruz’s office – after being unavailable much of the morning – says that Cruz only “accompanied” his family down and stayed the night. He is coming right back. We are quite confident that Cruz’s wife, a Goldman Sachs alum, was more than capable of taking care of the kids and herself while escaping to Mexico. This was not chivalry.

It sucks to get caught, except when one’s doing the right thing, but Cruz cannot possibly say he is surprised. Too smart.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak