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Kayleigh Gloats About Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Because He Lowered the Flags for Rush Limbaugh

About a week ago, Kayleigh McEnany put out a tweet that bottomed out the MAGA movement, horrific even if one even compensates for Kayleigh and her desperate desire to remain relevant. Like all MAGAs, her relevance requires continued digging. They always need bigger doses to get that high.

She blasted Biden with the worst meme the MAGAs ever produced, which is saying something, referencing Joe and little girls. In many ways, it was just Kayleigh being Kayleigh. Just lower. If she ever wonders why it is that she’s not working for Goldman Sachs, she need only check her Twitter feed for the lies and all the lows.

Willing to slam nice, but goofy Joe Biden, she moves right on to revere Rush’s legacy, one of history’s greatest dividers, at least in the United States. There is no way this country would be at each others’ throats with today’s intensity without Rush. Indeed, Rush ensured there would be a GOPer like Trump in the White House eventually. It became inevitable and so did Kayleigh, who spent a fortune on professional face-paint, but never enough to cover up the ugliness.

Kayleigh will throw the worst type of shot against the president, but she applauds flags lowered for professional racist Rush.

We don’t do this. By “we,” we mean Americans and America. We don’t celebrate civilians who made hundreds of millions taking the hard corner of any side while infuriating anyone not willing to follow. We just don’t. We do it for things that make us all mourn, the copyrighted U.S. school shooting, the death of a long-term politician (from either side), that type of thing. That’s what we do.

Even though this is only Florida, not the nation, it is only because there is someone reasonable in the White House. The flag would be lowered to “off” for Rush and a MAGA flag replacing it if Don and Kayleigh still worked in the White House. Unlike every other Trump employee, Kayleigh was in the White House for as long as Don, it was all inevitable. Rush made sure of it.

Thank god that Joe made sure it all ended – hopefully for good – mid-term. Kayleigh will spend Joe’s term talking kids, crying for Rush. It is almost enough to make oneself cry.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak