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Mike Pence Gets Humiliated at CPAC: Draws Just One Percent in CPAC Straw Poll

One percent. Any one of us has a greater than one percent chance of marrying… Never mind.

One percent! The only reason people take the vice president slot on any ticket – with the possible exception of when Joe Biden took the offer from Obama – is in the hope that he or she will someday become president. And there’s no shame in that, not at all. How better to learn the responsibilities of the presidency and how better to raise one’s profile?

Mike Pence didn’t raise his profile, indeed he may have doomed himself in a party that is increasingly nothing but a cult of personality in MAGA. Mike Pence is as conservative as they come, but on the wrong day proved to be very “liberal” in his interpretation of the Constitution. He followed the Constitution to the letter, which – ironically, used to be the definition of a conservative. But again, not nowadays, and not with Mike. He was nearly trapped by an unruly mob looking to punish him. And this is the thanks he gets.

One percent! From Rawstory:

Yeah, we wonder if the Mike Pence was just thrown in their extra, call it an error in the vote tabulators, perhaps the Venezuelans, maybe an illegal voter. Or, Matt Schlapp just felt bad for the guy and thought it would look bad if he came in at zero.

We are shocked to see Josh Hawley that low, almost as shocked as we are to see Ron DeSantis that high. Wow, conservatives really don’t like competency, do they? Kristi Noem, the current fetish (careful with that world in the highly male-dominated conservative MAGA party), and another incompetence. And then two guys that will charm the shoes off everyone, Don Jr. And Mike Pompeo.

If we were Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley right now, we might want to drink antifreeze.

Interesting. It has nothing to do with anything. But DeSantis is interesting. We suspect he’ll be around a while. Crazy for a guy who was and remains a joke as a governor and Florida man.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak