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PHOTOS: No Longer President, and Yet MAGAs Lined Up Outside CPAC Hall as if Greeting a Returning King

People can make a decent argument that Trump is getting too much coverage here and elsewhere, whether it is for his CPAC speech or anything else, the media has to get off its morbid fascination with the man and stop giving him a platform. It is a legitimate point.

On the other hand, there is a sea change happening in this country, we saw the beginning of it on January 6th, where one party no longer wants to be part of a Democracy, or at least no longer wants to be part of a country that counts all votes, only those votes that are supposed to count. Ask the secretaries of state in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia whether these people have any interest in democracy.

This movement, this anti-democracy movement cannot mentally process the fact that Trump lost is in its infancy. Yes, MAGA has been a cult for some time. Yes, loyalty to Trump is more important than party and certainly more important than country – we’ve known that a long time. But the insurgent movement, the armed junta, the guerilla rebels, this is all new and their first real get together is at CPAC this weekend and it’s proven to be scarier than we envisioned.

Trump has yet to speak but those that came before him made it very clear that fealty to Trump is the only thing that matters to this group. Forget cancel culture except as it applies to Trump, forget voting issues except as it applies to Trump, forget even Biden except as he applies to Trump and standing in Trump’s way, forget all of it. The only thing that matters is putting Trump back into power, and they would do it today if they could think of a way, violent or not.

It is so much about Trump that we thought people needed to see pictures from outside the hall even prior to his speech:

And the perfect video to go along with it:

peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak