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Shameless Kayleigh McEnany Viciously Goes After Biden, Coyly References Net’s Sickest Meme: Outrage Everywhere

Prepare to be very angry.

There are responsibilities that come with being a serious person, of the type that would be an ex-White House Press Secretary, if one ever wants to work in the real world. To be sure, there is a 30-35% pocket of MAGA culture in which increasingly horrific talk and behavior is revered. It is a psychological toxin not that much different than meth, where “shock jock” politicians and figures stroke those dopamine centers to shower the MAGA men’s amygdala. But, just like meth or any chemical, it takes increasingly dangerous doses to get high.

Speaking of showering, MAGA men, stroking the minds of MAGA men, Kayleigh McEnany has been increasingly, and obviously, desperate for attention. She cannot work in a Fortune 500 company. There isn’t much to do in MAGA world, with Trump’s mouth duct taped shut by criminal defense lawyers. Fox can’t take her, at least not yet. (It is that toxic for ex-staffers). OAN can’t afford her. And she’s not slumming it working for a Senator.

Thus, this:

Excuse us, but this deserves every letter. Fck you, Kayleigh. This is precisely why MAGA is diminishing, percentage point by percentage point. Kayleigh just picked up the single most disgusting MAGA theme from the campaign and ran with it for ratings. She should be the single last person to talk, given the guy for whom she spoke. It is the number one trending topic on Twitter with most outraged.

Where is Kayleigh’s Christianity? It was never real, not in any way that Jesus would recognize.

Let’s do this, Kayleigh. Right now. Are there “pictures” showing upper-70s Joe, awkwardly being affectionate with kids because he was just dopey in that way throughout his life? Yes, but they’re also still-pictures, Kayleigh. One can do a shitload with still-pics, ask our editors that would dearly love to line something up for you, face paint. But they won’t because we don’t go that low. Has Joe ever done anything actually harmful to kids? Fck you, Kayleigh, you know damned well the answer is no. (She crossed a line and we might, too.) Indeed, the fact that Joe personally cares about our children more than us adults is precisely why the awkward grandpa is president, because the sane Christians and good people among us follow that call in caring for children.

As “President Bartlet” used to say, if fidelity to democracy and freedom is our greatest civic cause, then surely the center of our humanity and heart is to leave this world a better place for our kids. We’re failing miserably in that regard because all too many powerful people among us simply live for today “stroking themselves.” You are one of them.

You are a disgrace. Everyone knows there’s not an ounce of truth to any of this, just manipuated and awkward still-photographs. You are abusing your platform for popularity amongst the only tribe that will accept you. You are abusing it with some of the worst possible references. You proclaim your Christianity and yet this is actually evil behavior. Indeed all those pictures the MAGAs used did far more to abuse those children than Biden ever did.

Get back to us when you or Trump start giving out your personal phone numbers to kids struggling with something, just as Joe did with his “club” of stutterers. As Vice-President of the United States, Joe gave his personal phone number to kids and parents of stutterers, knowing he could give them hope when most needed. He actually did love and care for children more than adults. Just like we all should. You fail.

Oh, wait, fck you, again, Kayleigh. We are really mad and words hurt far less than deeds. Faith without deeds Kayleigh, faith without deeds is dead. Enough of your public prayers.

Updated: #Kayleigh Outrage spreads further,

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and @JasonMiciak, Author, Alienation [5]