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Ted Cruz Humiliated Himself at CPAC and New Video Details Just How Shameful and Repulsive Ted Truly Is

If anyone could bomb at CPAC it would be Ted Cruz, and he did. But, to be fair, Cruz bombed before he even took the stage in Orlando as the first speaker. As Ted did his best Richard Pryor impression, Sen. John Cornyn and Governor Greg Abbott toured Houston with President Joe Biden. There was only one place Ted should have been yesterday.

It was an important week for Texas because the stakes couldn’t be higher in answering the question “What are we going to do?” The smart money says that Texans won’t do anything to change its regulatory structure. After all, it worked perfectly for the wealthy ownership interests. Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, said it was like winning the lottery.

But if Texas was ever going to fix itself, it would come on the heels of last week. Part of that effort might be taking a long look at what Texas’s politicians did during a crisis versus what Democrats did. Beto O’Rourke might have had the best week of his life in terms of reaching his near-unlimited leadership potential. Texans were even forced to watch AOC come in as a hero to their state, not just raising money, but then coming and helping distribute food. Cruz turned tail and ran.

Then Ted went to tell jokes at CPAC. “Orlando is nice, but not as nice as Cancun.” He joked about AOC and her fears during the insurrection. He found sick ways to mock a viral epidemic that even the attendees didn’t find funny. He was screaming, very much like someone impersonating Richard Pryor.

The entire week has been summed up in a slamming video put together by Meidas Touch, and this video will be around a while because Ted Cruz isn’t going to be allowed to easily get away with his self-obsession, cluelessness, the “not funny guy trying to be funny” thing, and – well, he’s just a dick.

Exactly was is needed right now. Spread the video around.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak