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The Reviews are In and Sweaty Trump is Over — A Delusional Old Man Who STILL Refuses to Say Biden is President

There are a lot of people on Twitter noting that the Republican party cannot possibly have a future if all they want to do is look back. The longer they look to Trump as their leader, the less they can look to the future. Trump cannot stop talking about his greatness in all he did and then spent the rest of his speech talking about how he won the election. He ended by talking about continuing “my struggle” which sounded eery to many people on Twitter.

But there was a strong consensus that Trump may as well have brought a shovel because he did more work to bury the party than any other speaker at CPAC – while also bragging that without him, the Republicans would have lost 10-15 Senators. We assume he didn’t count Georgia.

We believe that the tweet below set out the feeling better than any other. They do not plan on actually winning elections in the future. They plan on declaring that they won and fighting to prove that they did.

They are no longer building up and bringing new people into the movement, they are shutting people out.

Any party that spends well over 40 minutes discussing “really winning” the election in a conference that is supposed to be looking forward is a party that is dying. A cult is not a political party and Trump cannot move on by winning elections. That doesn’t mean he isn’t looking to hold office again. It just looks more and more like he plans to fight his way to the presidency.

And then he asked for more money, go to “DonaldJTrump.com” he begged. He didn’t ask them to donate to the party, he asked them to donate to him.

And yes, it was the opening of his 2024 campaign, if only for the money:

The above is terrifying. Trump basically invalidates all legal means to win elections and implies it is because the Democrats fight harder. This, as Tom Nichols says, guarantees insurrections into the future.

And money!

Same old Trump, just far more dangerous, weird as it seems. Closing with “my struggle” is… makes one almost hope for health issues.

And here was his low-energy ending…and as you’ll see Trump has lost it:

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak