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Trump’s Speech Off to a Horrible Start, Sweaty, Low-Energy, LYING, ‘Biden is the Most Corrupt President in History!’

As everyone knows, Trump returned today as the grand finale to what has already been an astonishing and shocking CPAC meeting. It is almost like Trump didn’t just lose the election by a fairly substantial amount, while also costing the Republicans all political branches of government. Managing to put two Democratic senators in Arizona and Georgia.

Oh, he also caused the first insurrection against the Capitol in modern American history, at least since the Civil War.

Matt Schlapp began his introduction by saying that the “president of the United States” would be speaking and that the “whole world” was watching. While the weekend appeared to be the coronation of a 2024 run, one poll shook the net and deserves consideration. We call it “the DeSantis factor:”

Trump was well over an hour late and came out to his typical walk-up music, Macho Man, Gloria, and God Bless USA – for which he stood silently clapping through the entire song, which seemed to go on for ninety minutes. Only to be interrupted by “Do you miss me?” His first words.

The first noticeable thing – and it leaped off the screen – he was glistening with sweat, embarrassingly sweaty.

He was in salesman mode from the very beginning, trying to convince the room that what happened didn’t actually happen. They lost each political branch of government.

He still believes that the party is as popular as it has ever been before. No one has seen numbers like his numbers.

One month in he says that no one knew how bad the Biden administration would be. (One month in). Biden is so far left that he’s a socialist and that leads to communism. Trump said that Joe Biden had the most disastrous first month of any president ever, and going so far as to say that Biden is anti-science. We are also “America last.”

The biggest news from the early portion of the speech was that Trump is not starting a new party. We will see about that.

Biden is letting people in by the tens of thousands, including criminals from the drug cartels, he already mentioned. The wall got built apparently because Trump talked about it being done and how it had done such a great job. He talked about all the immigrants released back into American society and on sanctuary cities:

He had NO energy and seemed to be slurring through the words:

He lied about the election, the big lie, saying he might need to beat the Democrats a third time. He will never let that go.

Ten minutes later he was still talking about immigration.

SIR STORY: Not 15 minutes in. “I asked how much money do we pay these counties,” and “SIR, we pay …”

He was just so low energy it was almost uncomfortable. Everyone noticed, he almost whispered that no country respected us, “they couldn’t believe it” speaking of what countries were getting away with:

He kept repeating phrases, “We must stand tall,” “We must be strong,” “Biden didn’t talk about this,” “The press refused to ask questions,” and then went into blaming the media for his “loss” because the media wouldn’t ask the right questions. Trump said that Biden is using “anti-science” in keeping kids out of school, and there’s no reason for kids to be back in school.

He has spent almost as much time on kids being out of school as he did on immigration. Perhaps had he paid attention to COVID and helped suppress it, COVID wouldn’t be the problem that it remains today.

He took credit for the “modern-day miracle” – the vaccines were all due to him, and then he asked if we could imagine if we were going through what other countries were going through, waiting for vaccines. It is probably important to note that the United Kingdown was two weeks ahead of us. He literally credited himself for all the vaccine production, and yet had no plan at all to distribute it.

Yet again, it was very apparent that he was not looking well, his voice got horse again, while still sweating.

This was a given:

And then Trump proved that there is no God because he accused Biden of being the most corrupt president ever. This is the man who … golf, hotel, golf, Putin, wanting the G7 at Doral …

We couldn’t take any more of the first string and wrapped the first quarter up here. We dreaded that this was going to be one long long long speech.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak