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Trump’s Sudden Cancellation of On-Camera Victory Speech Has Everyone Wondering What Trump’s Hiding From

Given that Twitter no longer forces us to have a direct connection into the amygdala of Trump’s reptile brain, it is necessary to look for other indications as to what Trump believes about his position and what furthers his agenda.

Between yesterday and today, we’ve done serious reporting on the massive impact that McConnell’s post-trial statement had on Trump’s control of the GOP, and – perhaps even more damningly, we reported on the Wall Street Journal editorial, slamming the GOP – not Trump – for even associating with Trump. In other words, the Wall Street Journal didn’t even have the time to beat down Trump, they went straight at his supporters, telling them to get away from him, now.

Knowing all this, we stated that it would be interesting to watch the Trump camp for a reaction to this new reality, one in which Trump’s power is now very threatened and MAGA nation, at least with respect to the “big-tent GOP” is fracturing. It may be broken for good, already.  We now have part of that reaction. Trump is too afraid to react.

Now, part of that fear is almost surely due to some legal advice that anything he says can be used against him in a criminal court someday, a trial that now seems far more possible than it did even a week ago. But Trump often ignores such advice if he needs the attention or feels emboldened.

Trump obviously wants to brag that he “once again” defeated those hated “hoaxer” Democrats that “unfairly” try to drag him down, at least that would be consistent with everything we know about him. But given that he no longer has Twitter, he would have to make that statement on television, perhaps to reporters. He did indeed schedule that appearance. And then canceled it.

That shouldn’t happen on the Monday after a “victory” in an impeachment trial, unless, Trump believes that an appearance right now would do far more harm than good. Clearly, Trump does believe he could only hurt himself at this point, and is going black.

Americans know exactly what this means:




Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak