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Absolutely Hilarious: MAGA’s Most Famous Flamboyant Gay Milo Yiannopoulos Declares Himself ‘Ex-Gay’

There has always been something very wrong about Milo and it’s almost difficult to determine where to begin. We look at Milo Yiannopoulos as the male version of the FOX blonde conservative bombshell. The contradiction in expectations is just to irresistible for the Hard Right.

The expectation of the blond bombshell is supposed to be a sophisticated feminist and since they are usually very well educated, it makes it even more shocking that such a beautiful woman would say such hideously hateful things.

Meanwhile, Milo is about the most flamboyantly gay man on the planet, looking for attention, extremely good-looking himself, and – similarly – not at all what one would expect from a conservative. Except Milo had a dark side that the blondes on FOX don’t necessarily have. Milo made direct references to white nationalism, anti-Semitic statements and associations, and America-First nationalism. Additionally, Milo made shocking comments about men and underage boys that pretty well sealed his fate as a presence on the right.

So Milo was on the outside looking in and must surely be looking for some means to gain some relevancy. Milo has decided that given all the “liberal action” taken to get some equality for LGTBQ people like himself, Milo cannot stand it anymore and must get out (He has issues with transgenders, too) but since he was never in the real progressive LGTBQ community, he can’t jump to the MAGAs, he’s already a MAGA (just not in right now because of the kid stuff). So, no – the only thing he can do in response is to jump ship and become “straight,” something that psychologists tell us is all but impossible.

But it is possible for Milo because there is money and to be gathered up in the MAGAs, along with the attention he craves.

He surely isn’t serious about abandoning his true inner sexuality, nor should he.

Right. That is not how it works.

But the conservatives are already ready to accept him back with open arms.

What a pathetic attempt to remain relevant.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak