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Arizona GOP Rep. Argues Masks Weren’t Needed During AIDS Crisis So Why Do We Need Them Now?

If one wants to go to college, one must take a test, the SAT or the ACT. How one performs on these tests will go a long way in determining which college might admit that person. If one wants to go to law school or medical school, the stakes shoot up immensely. A person better do very well on the LSAT or the MCAT or that person will have to spend their lives watching Law and Order or E.R. Hell, if a freshman in high school wants to pass algebra they have to take a test.

Why is it that people are allowed to run for office without first passing a basic civics test and maybe just an overall “Are you smarter than a bell pepper?” test. People in Congress like Lauren Boebert have absolutely no understanding as to how the government works, or how life works, and yet she had a vote on the stimulus package. We did not. That doesn’t seem right.

Now let’s talk about this guy. “This guy” is Joseph Chaplik and he is a member of the Arizona state legislature. We will give you zero guesses as to his political affiliation because you already know. Chaplik is against masks. We tried to write out the transcript of Chaplik’s argument but our hands shook too hard from laughing and crying. It is that terrifying.

Chaplik introduced a bill that said businesses should not have to enforce Arizona’s mask mandate. As part of his argument, Chaplik said:  “HIV, that was going to wipe our global destruction of human bodies with AIDS. We heard about that in the ’80s. Yet no masks were required.”

Yes, a human being said that. It is all in the definition of “mask” we suppose.

Sweet baby Jesus. We are fcked. They let this guy drive, never mind vote on legislation in Arizona!

We should require a test, over a range of subjects, perhaps English, Science, Government, Geography, and U.S. History would seem like a great start. Make the test hard enough that it would take at least a high school freshman to pass. Yes, we know that sounds foreboding to the GOP but this is the real world now.

AIDs and masks, wow.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak