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Fox Host Claims Biden Will Use a Secret Teleprompter to Deliver ‘Set Responses’ During Press Conference

One of the single most disgusting accusations that the MAGAs make against universally-loved Joe Biden (by those people who have met him) is the accusation that Joe Biden is “senile” or doesn’t understand what he’s doing. They point to interviews of him where he’s a bit lost for words or can be goofy in his answers. Go back and listen to interviews of Joe Biden thirty years ago, he’s goofy and often appears lost for answers.

People will note, that many of us made similar accusations directed at Trump. Go back 3-4 years and listen to interviews. He sounded far more with it and aware. He also had many unexplained medical issues and never released real records.

Joe did.

Joe Biden is likely not as “quick” as he once was – some of us over 40 are not “as quick” as we once were, much to our benefit, often. But Biden is far wiser than he was thirty years ago and he was pretty wise back then. He married Jill – case closed. Joe Biden knows exactly what he’s doing and one sees it daily in that he knows exactly what he wants to do and knows he has a limited window in which to do it. The first 90 days of any administration are often more productive than the rest of the term put together. Joe knows it.

But that doesn’t stop jackasses like Stuart Varney, a television talking head, all of which …surprise! Use teleprompters much of the time. Varney apparently believes that Biden’s team is so wily that they’ll come up with a teleprompter that has answers pre-loaded and then just hit “37(c)” into the program for the right answer. As if Biden reading an answer with which he’s not entirely familiar won’t look even more obvious as he reads it. Here’s Concha:

“This will not go well if reporters do their jobs and ask solid, tough questions with follow-ups,”

Interesting. We do not believe that Concha would do well if Biden asked him solid, tough questions, with follow-ups.

Varney wasn’t about to be one-upped:

“I do believe there will be a teleprompter there, which he can just turn on when you need the set response. That would not surprise me at all,” Varney said in response, implying that a teleprompter could instantly answer questions live for the president.

Stuart? If you were asked a question on any subject other than “Why do Democrats, and Biden in particular, suck?” You would need a teleprompter, written by someone who doesn’t work at Fox. Varney then went full conspiracy theorist, saying that someone from the White House will be there, telling reporters what to ask:

“They gotta protect the man. That’s what they’re there for.”

True. Good presidents listen to analysts who are experts in various areas and anticipate questions on certain topics and the aides and analysts are there to “protect” (the nation) in a sense, to get the right policy priorities across.

These people got used to a guy who knew fck all about anything beyond money, women, and “Democrats suck,” and shot his mouth off at reporters as the consummate president. A “real person” as president. Funny, no one wants a “real person” running Nike, Macy’s, or even their local credit union – but it’s the best quality in the president of the United States, to these people.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak