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Matt Gaetz Roots For Vladimir Putin During Fox News Interview with Sean Hannity

Something highly odd is going on in this country, something dark and terrifying.

There seems to be a lot of cooperation, open cooperation, between the Russians and the Republican party, which had been keeping that cooperation hidden during the Trump years. Last night we reported that Don Jr. loved the idea of a Biden-Putin debate, we reported already this morning on the fact that Charlie Kirk loves the idea, and now Matt Gaetz and Sean Hannity want the same thing. Why would such a ridiculous throwaway line from a washed-up KGB officer get so much traction in this country.

Oh, and they all seem to want Putin to win.

Tell us that this is not centrally coordinated (we mean that, we would like to know that this was not preplanned). Putin made this statement just yesterday:

“I don’t want to put this off for long. I want to go the Taiga this weekend to relax a little. So we could do it tomorrow of Monday. We are ready at any time convenient for the American side.”

What subjects could these two men debate? Whether Exxon should be able to drill in Siberia? Whether Medicare for all is a good idea in the United States? There is nothing to debate, this is a taunt – propaganda, to get Biden’s “senility” (their word) brought into question. And look at all the MAGAs that are just falling in line, exactly the ones we would expect. Don Jr., Charlie Kirk, and now Hannity and Gaetz. It is like a who’s who of people we suspected might have been “influencers” (Of the real red kind), back in Trump’s administration.

Hannity asked:

“Now, the question is this. Why would Vladimir Putin immediately call for a debate with Joe Biden with no time to prepare. What have I been saying? What have some of us, half the American people been saying? The media mob in the country, they protect all things radical socialist Joe Biden and his administration.”

Gaetz answered:

“Putin and Biden, it would not end like Rocky IV. I don’t think the American would prevail.”

You get the sense that they wouldn’t want Biden to prevail. If the United States played Russia in hockey, they’d all be cheering for the United States. If Biden debated Putin, we get the sense that they’d be cheering for Putin. Here is a real question, if NATO fought Russia, who would they be “cheering for”? By everything we’ve ever known as Americans, we know we’re supposed to be on NATO’s side, indeed fighting on their side. Putin knows it and now that he doesn’t control the president, he wants the MAGAs to turn to Russia over this president.

Twitter was horrified: