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New Melania Tapes Released and Listen to Just How NASTY Melania is to ‘BFF’ Stephanie Winston Wolkoff

Wow, Melania Trump is one nasty woman.

In the exact same way that the only reason any woman would ever marry Donald Trump would be for the money, we’re starting to think that the only reason anyone would befriend Melania is for the …prestige? It cannot possibly be due to Melania’s warmth and charm, her zest for life, love of adventure, and care for the less fortunate. Has Melania ever been pictured outside of a 20 square block in Midtown Manhattan, Washington DC, or a two-mile-by-two-mile area in Palm Beach?

We suppose her friends enjoy the same places and the same lunches.

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff used to be Melania’s best friend forever. Surprisingly, Stephanie seems fairly grounded and healthy in her outlook on life. Unsurprisingly, Steph had Melania figured out like tic-tac-toe, just as soon as questions started being asked about Trump’s inauguration. If one recalls, Trump “raised” more money for the shittiest inauguration in history. Stephanie’s bouncing baby LLC (formed in December of 2020) planned the inauguration… for a great deal of money.

As everyone knows, whenever there are stacks of “a great deal of money lying around” Trump grabs it, by whatever means necessary, legal or not. The smoke around the inauguration fire is that it’s possible Stephanie unwittingly played a role in just such a scheme or has turned state’s evidence.

Whatever it was, Stephanie figured out early that she needed to protect herself by recording phone calls with Melania. Many of these phone calls have been released. But apparently not all. Our buddies over at Meidas Touch had Stephanie on their podcast recently when Stephanie brought some tapes. (Link to Meidas Touch’s entire podcast with Stephanie, here. [1]  Specific highlights of the conversation below.)

The tapes do not release anything new regarding the business transactions. They involve a “discussion” as to whether Stephanie had been fired or not from her White House position in the First Lady’s East-Wing Office. Some of it might be useful evidence as to what attorneys call “consciousness of guilt,” meaning “We gotta get rid of the gun,” which in this case was Stephanie.

Of course, Stephanie was “fired,” whether by resignation or whatever else they called it, it is clear that she would not be working at the White House after problems arose with the inauguration money. Stephanie knew she was fired and felt betrayed, rightfully so. She knew she was being set-up to take the fall or wouldn’t have been taping the call.

Melania, on the other hand, coldly – and we mean deep freeze Moderna vaccine-cold – insists that “NO,” Stephanie was not fired, it was just a problem with the lawyers and blah blah. The words are nearly meaningless, the lack of compassion, care, or even interest in Melania’s voice is the real story, and it’s captured perfectly on Meidas’s tapes. We have some “highlights” of Melania’s “explanation” as to why Stephanie was definitely not fired, and our comments alongside: (The actual tape is Below). Melania’s comments are bolded and italicized, our comments follow and are the real interpretation.)

Because I talk with lawyers and they say it’s risky working under contract. It is risky for you and risky for the White House. And it’s better if we finish it quick. We will keep it quiet. (Yes, real quiet, especially with someone you’re going to accuse of the crime, and boy is that risky, for the one about to be accused.)


It’s not like you’ve been fired. Pamela? We didn’t even comment. (Yeah, because that’s one way to get questions asked. Comment. We don’t know who “Pamala” is.)

Okay, so we want to protect everybody, so it’s not like you been fired. Don’t be so dramatic because you were not fired. (Oh, it would seem far more dramatic to the person who is not “First Lady” and is set-up to take the fall, by being fired. Because when you don’t have your job anymore, and it wasn’t your choice, that sounds like someone’s been fired. The person “fired” is the one always taking the fall.)

It is politics. They will go after everybody and anything(No shit? Which is why they need to ditch a lot of “everybodies” overboard about “everything.”)

And if you stay here, maybe they will maybe even go further down. Do you understand what I mean? (Well, WE don’t, but the “further down” sort sounds a little ominous. Six feet down?)

There is more, and our brothers in arms – Meidas’ guys – do a great job talking to Stephanie about how it had to feel hearing all this and hearing it without an ounce of feeling from Melania. Or, the extent that there was “feeling,” it was “feeling pissed off that she had to explain to Stephanie why Stephanie had to take this fall. Because the alternative was Melania taking the fall. And that damned sure wasn’t going to happen:

Enjoy, if you enjoy slasher movies:

The YouTube version is here: