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Dazed and Confused Don Jr. Mocks Joe Biden Looking Cool in Aviators: ‘Are We Supposed to Believe this Guy Is in Charge?’

Say what one wants about the Donald Trump administration, and we did, there is no doubt that Donald Trump was “in charge,” to the extent anyone was in charge of the federal government.

It took Donald Trump to look the other way about the Russians possibly stealing an election. It took Donald Trump to politicize the Justice Department, from firing James Comey (and then hosting the Russians in the Oval Office to say he took care of the problem) on down to pardoning everyone who protected him. It took Donald Trump to call a foreign leader to tell that foreign leader, “I need a favor, though…” It took Donald Trump to force the American government to not act in the face of the greatest world pandemic. It took Donald Trump to incite the greatest attack on our democracy since the Civil War and had they succeeded, had Ted Cruz or Ted Hawley succeeded in getting a “10 day grace period” to “assure the count was accurate,” Donald Trump would likely still be president today.

Donald Trump was always in charge, if not always of his own faculties.

There is also no doubt that Joe Biden is in charge right now. Joe Biden, like all good presidents, does delegate a lot of that power. Like any good executive, one hires the absolute best, give them guidance, and get out of their way. Presidents that insist on micromanaging every little issue – like Trump – get in a lot of trouble. But if anyone looks at how much the government has changed, how much the landscape has changed, there is no doubt that Joe Biden is in charge.

We aren’t sure what the little spit Don Jr. believes regarding his charge in life or whether Don Jr. is actually in charge of anything, other than firing up the MAGAs. He is good at firing up the MAGAs and that’s a problem. He needs to fire up his personal life a little because he never looks or sounds good.

But more importantly, the plan all around MAGAville, from the politicians, to the FOX hosts, right on down to the Trump spawn, want you to know that President Biden is both an illegitimate president and that Joe Biden isn’t really running things anyway. Kamala Harris is the one really running the government.

It is so tempting to say; “You are dead wrong about who is running the country, but even if you were right, it would be such a massive upgrade, and it’s working so well, no one feels like fighting it.”

Anyway, this:

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak