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Jen Psaki Once Again Crushes Conservative Reporter Who Asks Ridiculous Question, ‘That’s Not How It Works!’

Con-artists and reporters who want to get a sound-byte have a common tactic, one that pros like Jen Psaki, and rank amateurs like us can see coming round the mountain when they come.

“Today, as you well know…” is a common con-artist tactic. Trump used it all the time, though he’d say something like, “And every one of you knows it, it’s true…” or “you know this… ” It doesn’t impact people that have had the education to recognize the tactic and recognize that it’s often an attempt to cover something that you certainly do not believe to be true.

Every White House correspondent should know by now that one will be punished if they try this trick with Jen Psaki. Jen happens to know what she knows and actually doesn’t need to be told what she knows. She would prefer that you simply answer a question.

Today, Owen Jensen from the Catholic news network EWTN had a chance to ask a question of the White House, a high honor. As a lapsed Catholic, it is easy for us to criticize EWTN because, in spite of all the Biden social programs helping the poor – including adding to healthcare, something that Jesus would support enthusiastically – EWTN is concerned about abortion and only abortion.

Watch out, Owen, don’t do it, don’t do it… don’t tell Jen what she…

Today, as you well know, the Biden administration and HHS started the reversal of the Trump administration’s ban on abortion referrals at Title X family planning clinics. So my first question — why does the Biden administration insist that pro-life Americans pay for abortions and violate their conscience?”

Trump would be in awe. That question got the facts so twisted it looks like those red licorice vine things you only eat after binge drinking with college buddies. Or so we’re told.

Jen had to step in, as always. Look out Owen:

“First, that’s not an accurate depiction of what happened,”

And now, he pays the price. Jen Psaki, turns Owen upside down by actually reading the facts back to him:

None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning. That is written into the Health Services Act and it specifically states that.”

Jensen tried to dodge and acted like he knew the way Washington really works. 

“Indirect subsidies minus funds that can’t be traced — we know that, come on,” 

How did Psaki not say: “If they cannot be traced, how do you know they’re going to abortions, dumbass!” ?? We will never know, Psaki called him out with a bit more attitude than usual:

“That is not how it works. That is the law. So I’m stating what the law is and how it is implemented legally by these organizations.”

Bad reporter, bad reporter, rub his nose in it, Jen:

According to Rawstory [3], who quotes NPR, the only change reverses Trump’s draconian punishment of people who refer women to other centers:

According to NPR, the proposal “would largely return the federal Title X family planning program to its status before Trump took office. The current rules [4], implemented in March 2019 under Trump, forbid any provider who provides or refers patients for abortions from receiving federal funding through Title X to cover services such as contraception and STD screenings for low-income people.”

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak