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Psaki Now Has Reporters Nervous Asking Questions: Reporter’s Voice Cracks, Halts, As He Asks Absurd Hypothetical Question

We do this daily now, the Psaki page.

Because she does this daily now. Jen Psaki has redefined what it means to be the White House Press Secretary, or – at the very least, taken the job back to the days when the American government was a serious endeavor, delving into serious policy, in a serious attempt to help the world and Americans here at home. Thus, reporters damn well better ask serious questions or god only knows what’s headed their way.

It is very difficult to tell who is asking what with all the masks utilized in the press room, but today’s question comes to us from someone whose voice cracked and stuttered with fear. We suspect the fear came from the fact that he asked a question based upon a narrative – close to an urban legend, nothing backed up with data. He noted that in 2017, utility companies announced that tax cuts would be passed on to consumers by charging lower utility rates. We are absolutely positive that such announcements were made.

We are absolutely skeptical as to whether the decrease in taxes led to decreased costs to users in lower utility bills. The question was whether the increased taxes proposed in Joe Biden’s legislation would be passed on in increased rates. We will point out that when one gets a modern, fancier, more reliable grid, one based on greener fuels and less susceptible to “freeze outs” of the type that happened in Texas and less likely to have lead in water, it may not be unreasonable for there to be a slight rate increase. One is paying for a much better system.

At least the bill requires serious improvements in the system. If prices rise a little, customers are getting something for their money. We are sure everyone has heard the airlines justify raising fares due to rising fuel costs and yet we never really hear much about decreasing prices due to lower fuel costs.

Regardless, Jen wanted information, real information, not anecdotes. She asked about whether there was an economic report to support such a question or whether the reporter was simply going on “what he’d heard” or “what he’d figured” along the way. That is not the way to succeed in Jen Psaki’s press room. This would explain why the reporter could barely get the question out in an audible voice. He had to know what was coming. Weย knew what was coming.

Neither he nor we were disappointed. Watch and learn.

Yeah, you can hear the fear, primarily because he wasn’t prepared but apparently felt compelled to ask something and hoped to slide on by.

Jen is winning over a lot of fans:

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak