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‘SVU’ Actor Christopher Meloni Faces Backlash for ‘Fat Shaming’ Trump in Comparison to Joe Biden

One of the more entertaining memes that the MAGA media ill-advisedly chose to take up was the “Biden is senile and is not in control of the government but will sign whatever is put in front of him.”

This was a bad idea on any number of levels.

We will call the first level, “Dr. Jill Biden level.” If for some reason Joe was not registering quite as sharp as needed, Jill Biden is likely the woman who would notice first and alert both his physicians and other officials that something was off.

Second, we seem to recall Joe Biden kicking Donald Trump’s ass up and down the studio during three debates. No one should confuse “calm and thoughtful” with being a dolt or somehow mentally slowed.  And loud, obnoxious, and arrogant is not a sign of sharp mental acuity.

Third, there is a lot more that goes into overall health than the ability to shout loudly and talk about your own greatness. It takes someone who takes care of himself, eats right, gets some real exercise, gets to sleep at a good hour, wakes up fairly early, uses time off wisely. Someone who is in good overall health is far more likely to make wise decisions, using all the experience gained over the years.

So take a look at this and tell us if the “Biden is Senile” meme is going to work when put up against this:

We don’t fat shame people, ever. We don’t. But we know someone who does. And we’re also here to defend the man that the Right freaks out about as “senile.” There is only one candidate for senility in that picture in our mind.

Here are some of the responses on Twitter: