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Twitter Goes Crazy Calling Out Alex Jones for Apparently Faked Video of Jones ‘Saving Kids at the Border’

It is very dangerous to trust anything Alex Jones says or does. One’s first presumption should be that his antics are either staged or faked – inserting himself into a situation that isn’t what it appears. We cannot be sure which applies in the video below, we only know that Jones deserves every doubt and that it should be treated as fake until proven real. Until that time, this video is scorching Twitter.

The MAGAs’ one-hundred and eighty-degree reversal on compassion for the kids at the border would be wholly welcome if it was sincere. Even if it is insincere and purely political, we welcome any help they provide to improve the system, though we have our doubts that they’d ever go that far in doing much of anything. For now, Republican pols are using the children’s welfare as nothing more than a political issue to play.

It is tough to get a grip on how much actual trafficking occurs (and the age and purpose for which they’re trafficked). A car full of toddlers almost surely means kids to be adopted for a better life by parents who don’t want to go through all the paperwork. A car full of 15-16-year-old girls is likely something darker. We are not in a position to really say anything beyond that.

Below, we see a video of Alex Jones, “appearing” (keyword) to be in the process of saving an entire carload of kids, but it should be said that Twitter has strong doubts:

Yeah, “if” being the keyword because the odds of Jones standing there with his camera crew is awfully low. Others pointed out additional issues.

We cannot be positive, but if the man was trafficking, Jones would surely have stayed and filmed the people being arrested and glory in having the children taken away by good officials. What we do know is that Alex Jones was trending this morning over what is likely yet another fake video.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak