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Eric Trump Spreads Wild Election Lies and Conspiracy Theories On (Surprise!) Fox News

Eric Trump wasted no time in spreading more election falsehoods on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program Tuesday night by trotting out the old and tired claims of ballot “harvesting” in Georgia and reasserting the unfounded claim that duplicate ballots were sent out, Media Matters for America [1] reports.

“I can’t tell you how many people did this, certainly it happened in Georgia but went all over the place collecting ballots,” Trump told Hannity. “Harvesting ballots, right? And there was real effort behind that, and there was real money behind that effort.”

But the younger Trump’s claims and the actual facts of the Georgia recount are two separate things and shouldn’t be confused with each other. As the BBC noted, [2] Biden’s narrow victory in the state was certified Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger after the ballots were recounted by hand.

None of that, however, seems to be on Eric Trump’s radar, so he continues to lie and call for heads to roll. Proving that he’s definitely his father’s son.

“Make no mistake about it, and those people should be prosecuted,” he told Hannity. “Those people should be thrown in jail. I mean, you have that, and — Sean how about how many duplicate ballots got sent?”

But in November 2020 BuzzFeed.News [3] called Trump an “election disinformation superspreader.” He has, in fact, made a number of foolish claims that include, but are not limited to insisting sharpies were used on ballots in Arizona, votes for his father were burned, and a mountain of other false information.

And incidentally, the link he cites above is from an account that’s now suspended.

Trump even shared the tweet below from a Texas website that claimed a video showing a man wheeling a box into a Detroit polling center was transporting suspicious votes when all that was really happening [6] was that a camera operator for a local TV station was bringing his equipment in.

Here’s the actual evidence below:

Maybe Eric Trump is one of those people who tells so many lies that he actually begins to believe them. At any rate, he also told Hannity this:

“I mean, you have one person that moves from one state to the other, and all of a sudden they’re getting four ballots in one state, four ballots in the other,” Trump said. “That’s not acceptable.”

It’s also not acceptable for Eric Trump to try to bamboozle people, but here he is.