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Mike Pence Says Joe Biden is Responsible For Nearly Century Old Israel-Palestine Conflict

Any new administration that meets with adversity will get criticism from people who supported the last administration. They will hear something akin to “This would never have happened under president Malia Obama” (We are simply using a future example). But it is highly unusual for the criticism to come from the actual people within the past administration and never from the past president or vice president. So, welcome to Donald Trump’s America, where everything is different now and the members of the last administration are already out “talking sh*t” (as the kook kidz say) about Biden. Evidently, the world was nice and clean when Trump left it and it’s now all messy.

Today, Mike Pence, last seen diving out of the U.S. Capitol because his guy left him for dead, slammed President Biden for “supposedly” creating a false equivalency between Israel and Hamas.

We might point out right front that not every Palestinian is Hamas, but everyone in the IDF is Israeli. That’s one non-equivalency. But Pence was undeterred:

 Former Vice President Mike Pence slammed the Biden administration for attempting to create a “false equivalency” between Israel and Hamas, saying he and former President Donald Trump “set the table for lasting peace and an end to the decades-old conflict in the region,” but that President Biden has offered “weakness and ambivalence” as violence continues. 

Sure. Set the table for lasting peace, but didn’t invite the Palestinians for dinner. Actually, they did invite the Palestinians on terms so ridiculous as to be so obviously turned down it wasn’t even worth discussing. Offered “weakness and ambivalence”? Israel got whatever the hell it wanted from Trump, why would they cause trouble in a region when it might threaten Trump’s stability? Why would they not start trouble with a new Democratic administration and make it look like it’s all because Biden came into office?

Pence called Israel, America’s most cherished ally.

Huh. That might surprise the Brits and the Canadians. But even a “most cherished ally” doesn’t get to do whatever it pleases, like bomb the hell out of people that are horribly outgunned to begin with.

The former vice president said the Trump-Pence administration’s “commitment to Israel was unrivaled,” while claiming the new administration’s “failures” in the region have invited Hamas’ aggression. 

“We made that clear to the world through our actions,” Pence said, referring to the administration’s brokering of peace deals in the Middle East, the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, and the move of the American embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as “the capital of the state of Israel.”

Yes, the other end of “commitment to Israel was unrivaled” is “and couldn’t give less a shit about the Palestinians, who never had a place at the table.” That is not a table set for peace. It is not the “Trump strength” that kept Hamas and Israel from initiating violence. It is that Israel knew that bad publicity out of the region would hurt Trump’s “peace efforts” and thus his reelection, and Hamas knew that Trump might be insane enough to tell Israel to nuke them. (Hyperbole).

“Every tepid statement uttered by the Biden-Harris administration is built on a false equivalency between Israel and Hamas,” Pence said. “One is a sovereign nation with a legitimate government, and a trusted ally. The other, an internationally recognized terrorist organization that has now fired more than 3,000 rockets at Jewish families and business in the past week alone.” 

Who fired the first shots? Because the last we read, no one is really sure how this one kicked off. And, Mike, even if 3,000 rockets have been fired at “Jewish families,” how many U.S. made IDF fighter jets have unleashed bombs on defenseless Palestinians?

He added: “There is no moral equivalency between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.”

And being “Palestinian” is not equivalent to being a member of Hamas, except when the bombs fall on the West Bank. Everyone under a bomb becomes equivalent.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak