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MSNBC Analyst: If Democrats Don’t Pass the Voting Rights Act, They’ll Lose in 2022 and Biden Will Be Impeached

We aren’t real shy about tooting our own horn (someone has to) but we believe it was three to four months ago we said that if the Republicans gain control of the House in 2022, one can bet their own house, car, retirement, and even their favorite flip-flops (shudder) on the fact that the Republicans will impeach Joe Biden. Indeed, the Democrats will be exceedingly lucky if they only impeach Biden once. A good rule of thumb regarding the Republican-MAGAs rule of governance is that they believe in punishing a party into submission (ask Liz Cheney). The Democrats impeached Trump twice, the MAGAs will impeach Biden four times, two squared. That’s how they do it.

We said as much, we’re not geniuses. We just know the GOP and so do our readers.

The Democrats are doing their best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory (Thanks, Joe Manchin!) in not passing HR 1, the voting rights bill. It is perhaps the only way that the Democrats will hold on to the House, possibly the Senate, and maybe the presidency. It doesn’t matter that the Democrats are doing a fantastic job. In fact, that couldn’t matter less. It is voting that matters!

The party in power almost always loses seats in the off-year election. The Democratic party never votes as enthusiastically in off-year elections. (2018 might be an exception). The Republicans are passing draconian voter suppression laws wherever they can get away with it, which is near everywhere, including all purple states. And, the census gave Republicans more seats in more red states along with an opportunity to gerrymander the living hell out of their states to an even greater degree.

The SCOTUS has made it very clear that they want nothing to do with telling pols how to redraw their districts. Republicans will gerrymander down to the last two houses on the block.

So the Democrats need to face three realities. One, if they want to get something done – as they have and continue to do – they best do it in the next year and a half. Two, the GOP will impeach Joe Biden for the high crime of being a Democrat, and being too old, and Major nipping two staffers, and not “unifying the country by doing what the Republicans want. Three, if Joe Manchin doesn’t vote to end the filibuster and pass HR 1, he can sit back knowing that he held on to Senate tradition for the next two to four years because Mitch McConnell will do it the first afternoon he’s majority leader again. (The Senate is set up a little better for Democrats but is still a bit vulnerable.)

These are all a given. Much of it is due to Joe Manchin enjoying being the second most powerful politician in the United States and it is getting very old. The very subject (impeachment) came up today on Nicolle Wallace’s show (clearly, the smartest and coolest analyst on television), where Jason Johnson said:

“Tim! Everybody already knows what the Republicans are!” said Johnson. “They literally led a march to the Capitol, and not the Civil Rights kind, like, a couple of months ago. Everybody knows what the Republican Party is there’s nothing in exposing them anymore. And quite frankly, if they don’t make this the number one priority you can’t wait until the 2022 elections. Because if these laws stay on the books in 2022, Democrats will lose the House and the Senate and they will impeach Joe Biden in February of 2023. I promise you! That’s what the Republicans will do!”

They won’t convict Biden, but House Republicans will impeach him in February, and then they will do it again in June, and in September, and as a Christmas gift…

Joe Manchin doesn’t strike us as the brightest bulb in the Senate, and perhaps it should be laid out to him with that kind of clarity. Does he want to go down as the one that handed the country back to the MAGAs and fascist control? It sure seems like it.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak