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OAN Goes All-In For ‘MyPillow’ and Mike Lindell: Asks People to Support Company and It’s Very Embarrassing

To be fair, OAN never made any effort to hide the fact that they were “reporting” on behalf of the MAGAs and MAGA beliefs.

Still, it is “next level” to go from there to actually tweet out that one of Trump’s most outspoken (and craziest) Big Lie promoters, Mike Lindell, should be supported, and to get his back, go straight to MyPillow and offer a promo code “OAN.” It is certainly not going to shock their viewers or even seem all that abnormal, they live in their own universe with their own physics and facts. It is all a movie, they get to determine the plot they like, and so of course they should support one of their favorite characters.

But in doing so, OAN is really opening itself up to obvious criticism in the future and thus lose even more ammo if they ever try to hold themselves out as a news organization simply reporting what they believe to be facts. Not for nothing, but OAN may well be taking that very position in a courtroom near you sometime soon while defending themselves in a defamation suit. So it’s really strange for OAN to make such a move. It sort of screams out that some low-mid staff in the organization thought of “an idea” for a promotion and they went forward without checking with the top nor their legal counsel.

So, this really is weird:

Yeah, WTF? And, obviously, many others joined the Lincoln Project. Before we set out some of the well-deserved scorn, we find it critical to note that way too many people continue to call Lindell a “crackhead” or “methhead.” That’s bullshit and it won’t be tolerated here. The man is a jackass MAGA, crazy, entitled, dangerous, and just weird, but the fact that he’s obviously in recovery and talks about his past is something to be respected. Period. There are legitimate reasons to go after Lindell, the fact that he had an addiction issue is not one of them. Indeed, it’s one of the only truly positive things about the man.

Having said that (Because it’s referenced far too much), we set out the real responses, the better ones:

Nice one, above, well done.

Above another one very well done.

Agreed 100%. Boycott the company if you haven’t already. Plus, even though we’ve never used them, given everything else on the far right, it has to be at least partly a con.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak