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OAN Goes Way Too FAR Even For OAN: Pictures Biden as Hitler, Internet Calling for Cable to Cut the Network

We covered Donald Trump while in office. We took special care to never compare Trump to Hiler. We compared America’s trajectory to Germany’s in the early 1900s, when for thirty years Germany was unquestionably the most sophisticated nation on earth. But we never once compared Trump to Hiler. We compared him to Stalin, we compared him to Mussolini, we compared him to Saddam Hussein, (Especially Saddam), but never once Hitler.


Because it would be disrespectful to the six million Jews rounded up and taken to their hidden, silent, death. Stalin may have an even higher death total, we don’t know. We do know that Stalin mostly went after political prisoners, which is not necessarily less culpable but more relevant to Trump. It just did not feel right to us. It felt like it cheapened the Jewish victims as symbolism. Other progressive sites had no problem making the comparison, we had a big problem with it. We believed it to be offensive to our Jewish family members.

But OAN has already done it with Democrat Joe Biden. We do not know the context and for that, we apologize. We tried. But the screenshot tells the entire store: “Hey, Fuhrer, to Hell with Your Ultimatum.” And that horrific picture. Interesting. Trump gave ultimatums all the time, including one on January 6th from which the nation has yet to recover.

In reaction, one might say “Go after the sponsors!” But we have since learned that these companies make most of their money through direct payments from cable companies. ESPN can charge $16 per household to carry ESPN in any package (we are guessing as to the amount, it is a lot). OAN cannot demand anywhere near that much but they can make demands and it gets around a lot of the money lost if advertising rates go down.

But something has to be done about this. Shame the cable company or satellite service? It is a place to start:

And the responses:

We are not going to list the usual number, they’re all the same. Disgusting. Propaganda. Typical.
Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak