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Trump Has Gone Crazy on His ‘Blog’, Whining About Everything From the NY AG, to RINOs to Kirstie Alley

Kicking Trump off Twitter was certainly both the right thing to do and a couple of years too late, all things considered. There are almost no downsides, though we can think of one, a small one. He can write the craziest sh*t, just like he did on Twitter, only longer, and yet no one can respond. The entertaining thing is that he originally did read some responses because he was blocking people left and right until a court ruled that under the First Amendment, Trump himself couldn’t block people’s political speech. (Twitter can block people, as a private company. But not Trump himself as a political figure.)

We would dearly love to respond to what goes through the mind of a man who puts out four blog posts on a single day, each one covering a completely different topic, with the exception that each one was completely related to him.

He started with the 910 word, very comprehensive, panic attack regarding the New York A.G.’s transition from merely a civil investigation to a criminal one. We reported on the post earlier and, because we deeply care about our readers and their well-being, we only cut tiny slices, mostly to mock him, some for a little analysis. It is done. Suffice it to say he’s not happy. And the biggest hypocrite to ever live.

From there… where to go if you’re a man with nothing but time on your hands and an ego the size of Russia? Of course, he lavishes deep praise upon one of the C-List celebrities that admit to being a MAGA. He goes from addressing possible serious criminal charges against him, to supporting a woman with a sad story to tell about having a hard time getting a job in liberal Hollywood. All MAGAs Hail Kirstie Alley!

Stick with Kirstie Alley! She is a great actress, loved by so many people, and a true original. She is also strong and smart. Many millions of people greatly appreciate her support of our Country. Thank you Kirstie, you are truly appreciated!

Define “stick.” If she were a great actress she would likely have been in a movie or television show – of late – that we could name. All people are true originals, but if he’s referencing one of the lone MAGA women in Hollywood, okay. Everyone who supports him is strong and smart. Ask him. He measures people by one quality only, one, does that person love him? Best part? “Support for our country.” The only way to support the country is to support him because he is the country, ask him. She is truly appreciated right up until she says something critical of him (ever), and then she’s a has been… blah blah

How did Kirstie earn this praise? Well, she’s always been MAGA but this was of late:

No one should lose their job solely because of their political beliefs. But putting political beliefs in people’s faces that cause issues at work becomes a problem. We don’t know if that is Kirstie’s issue or if she’s just blacklisted.

BUT, we can say that she sounds like one of the most self-centered people on earth if she doesn’t realize that there are red areas across this entire country that would fire – and not hire – a “communist” on the spot. Indeed, we heard as much today simply admitting to having been to school in California. That was enough. “Communist!” We were not looking for a job but had we been looking, there was no point in doing so. This isn’t some liberal Hollywood problem. It is an American problem and it was made 100x worse by the MAGA man.

Speaking of which. Quick pivot. MAGA man mad money! It is imperative that he tell you about it:

A loan of $1.2 billion has closed on the asset known as the Bank of America Building (555 California Street) in San Francisco, CA. The interest rate is approximately 2%. Thank you!

Very few people know that Trump’s 30% share in this building is his most valuable holding. He likely refinanced a loan on it (he’s always refinancing). But at 2%? That sounds like a pretty good rate for a shitty economy that’s buried in inflation, according to MAGAs. Is he thanking President Biden and his team? That’s nice of him.

Back to b*tching. He references 35 Republicans who voted for a January 6th truth commission to find out exactly why they were running for their lives and barring the doors to the House. Trump is angry because he did not approve of this! No one needs to know the truth about anything, but especially this!

See, 35 wayward Republicans—they just can’t help themselves. We have much better policy and are much better for the Country, but the Democrats stick together, the Republicans don’t. They don’t have the Romney’s, Little Ben Sasse’s, and Cheney’s of the world. Unfortunately, we do. Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak. The voters understand!

This will be fun! It sounds like 35 Republicans absolutely can help themselves since they went against very serious pressure and possible political problems because they want to know the truth! Republicans DO stick together for tax cuts, the only thing that matters! Democrats don’t necessarily stick together except when in opposition to Donald Trump. People who don’t do what Trump commanded are terrible people, ineffective, and “weak” (the worst thing to be in Trump’s eyes, see Kirstie Alley as the opposite.) The voters do understand! That’s why he is currently drawing a government pension!

The man is literally all over the place. The constant? The entire world is about him. And his entire blog is about him. From criminal issues, to C-list actresses, to making some money, to disloyalty, it is all about him.

Huh, turns out we can respond. Dick.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak