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Trump is Hunting Down the GOP’s Top Families So the Only Political Family is TRUMP

Politico has a typical “Politico” article [1] out this weekend. Their feature looks at the fact that Trump has had special contempt for the traditional Republican families that built the party. To be sure, wiping the slate clean from dynastical power isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But wiping it from power because they represent the greatest threat to one’s own consolidation of power is a bad thing. It is nothing more than a typical fascist following the typical fascist playbook. In other countries at another time, the families would have been taken out and shot. (Sorry, ugly imagery for a weekend but it is the truth). From Politico:

In the civil war between Donald Trump and the GOP’s waning establishment, no Republican has crossed the former president and come out ahead. Yet, as Rep. Liz Cheney’s likely ouster from House leadership lays bare, Trump has reserved a special fury for the scions of the GOP’s leading families in his attempt to exercise full dominion over the Republican Party.

Dunno. Define “ahead.” Mitt Romney has come out ahead in the sense that he has his independence and he slapped the first “bi-partisan” vote for guilt against a president ever. Mitt Romney also likely has more money than Trump, which is Trump’s measure of everything. Finally, Mitt Romney is not being investigated by law enforcement. It would be tight but we suspect that Mitt Romney will win reelection (should he want it) in his next election. It is equally true that when Liz Cheney is removed from power, it will elevate her voice. Perhaps it will enhance her power.

But the point is largely valid.

Whether it’s the Cheneys, the Bushes or the lesser bloodlines — such as the Romneys or the Murkowskis — Trump has been relentless in his efforts to force them to bend the knee. Even Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain — who herself has never run for office — has been knocked down, censured by Trump allies who run the state Republican Party in Arizona.

Trump has whipped the voters into a frenzy with a force of personality and an overtly racist message. Plus, screw democracy. It isn’t the power family’s fault that they aren’t willing to go that far. Moreover, until Trump, no one ever thought to make “loyalty” the only platform. We are not sure this is the hill that the Republican party wants to die on but that decision was made back in 2016, even if most didn’t know it at the time. James Comey found out really early. “I need loyalty.”

Jason Miller once again fails to understand the actual message in the article. The consolidation around one person, loyalty to one person (not policy), destruction of traditional power families just to consolidate power, none of it is healthy, none of it is found in a real democracy. It is found in Putin’s Russia, it is found in China, it is found in Saudi Arabia, it is found in North Korea, and now Jason Miller is proud that it is found within the Republican party.

But then again, Jason Miller is fully on board with fascism. They all are. But they best be careful. These families are not formally in power but they maintain a lot of relationships with the money side and have the ability to cut into some of that money that might otherwise be donated to the cause. True, Trump has mowed down everything in his path so far. It doesn’t mean that he won’t ever get tripped up.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak