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Trump Just Announced His New ‘Social Media Platform’ and It’s Awful: No Comment Section, No ‘Likes,’ No Replies

Remember when Trump was going to start a special social media platform to rival Twitter? The big multi-billionaire was going to stretch his business prowess, and really open up something big that would draw all the MAGAs off Twitter and Facebook to build their own little community, to go with their alternative universe?


Yes, well it got done. It got done as well as “Infrastructure week.” It got done as well as the Trump “COVID team.” It got done as well as the Trump 2020 campaign. It didn’t get done well.

It is a website, which means you already know he’s off to a bad start. Regrettably, no one starts websites anymore. One has to have an app or one’s already dead. But Trump started a website, “From the Desk of Donald Trump,” [1] which is nothing more than a notepad, spun out to the world, and people can post his notes on Twitter or Facebook. There are no replies, no “retweets,” no nothing….

An example? Oh, for sure. From yesterday:

Heartwarming to read new polls on big-shot warmonger Liz Cheney of the great State of Wyoming. She is so low that her only chance would be if vast numbers of people run against her which, hopefully, won’t happen. They never liked her much, but I say she’ll never run in a Wyoming election again!

We actually tried to “Like” it, just for the hell of it, and the “Like” button is not working. We don’t know how many people “Liked” that little “post” above. Just for the hell of it, we’ll put up another:

So nice to see RINO Mitt Romney booed off the stage at the Utah Republican State Convention. They are among the earliest to have figured this guy out, a stone cold loser!

So situation normal. Pathetic. Poorly done. Head in the past. Vindictive. Petty. Small. Angry. It is all just so totally unnecessary and unbecoming of a pres… never mind.

UPDATED! It is infrastructure week, guys!

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak