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WATCH: Trump Booed at Hometown Yankees Game That He Didn’t Even Attend

We already knew that Trump was not popular in New York and that goes back well before 2015. At best, at best, they tolerated him, more as a clown than someone serious. He did own a serious building, despite the fact that the inside looked more kitsch than the elegant artistry and cosmopolitan air that most upper-end New Yorkers demanded. Unlike most “hometown heroes” running for president, Trump got his ass kicked in his neighborhood.

They knew.

Well, there is nothing more “New York” than the New York Yankees and traditional baseball played up in the Bronx, but now we’re talking broader New York and not just midtown Manhattan. It still didn’t work. Someone laid out one of those damn blue MAGA signs with “Trump Won” on it and, to say the least, it was not well received in the baseball cathedral. We should note that the owner of this site, a gorgeous woman with flowing hair and as many degrees from Boston as she has talents, would likely say that nothing ever good came out of Yankee Stadium, and she’d say it in French. As she always is, she would be right, of course, with her being from Boston.

“Lots of booing here after some jabronis unfurled a ‘TRUMP WON’ banner off the second deck. (He didn’t.) Now we have extremely loud cheering as the conspiracy theory banner people are led out of the section by security,”

Isn’t this beautiful:

To be sure, politics has infected far too much of our society writ large and it’s not classic politics, either. It is infectious, ugly, poisonous politics of the type that scares the hell out of normal people. Thus, we can sort of envision even a few Trump supporters booing at Yankee Stadium because someone dared to bring that stuff into their sanctuary. Still?

Though we wonder, if we were sitting in that spot and someone unfurled a Pride flag, or something else classically progressive (we don’t have a flag, talk about cheap..) whether we’d boo.

Dunno. We don’t have to worry about it. None of us would do something so asinine.