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George P. Bush Sells Out His Own Family and Chooses Trump So He Can Run for Texas Attorney General

Another Bush is throwing his hat into the political ring, but unlike his father, grandfather, and uncle, he’s fine with brown-nosing former President Donald Trump.

George P. Bush is the son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the nephew of former President George W. Bush, and the grandson of former President George H.W. Bush. Each of the senior Bushes has disavowed Trump, but George P. is more than happy to disregard this as he announces his intentions to run for Texas Attorney General in 2022, CNN [1] reports. Like far too many before him, he’s an ambitious Republican who seeks Trump’s endorsement.

He announced his intentions Wednesday and posted a tweet of himself on a cellphone with the caption:

“Great to speak with President Trump to discuss the future of Texas and how we are keeping up the fight to put America first. I appreciate the words of encouragement and support.”

Say whatever you want about the other men in the Bush family but this makes me think George P. Bush is a sniveling, gutless wonder. He’s pandering to the lowest common denominator — Donald Trump, a man who makes bacteria look good (and I have nothing against bacteria. These organisms actually benefit the planet in many ways.)

Scott Braddock, editor of the Quorum Report couldn’t help but note Thursday morning on Twitter that George P. supporters were handing out koozies (cylinder-shaped sleeves) during Bush’s announcement. The sleeves depicted a drawing of him and Trump with a 2019 quote from the ex-president that reads: “This is the only Bush that likes me. This is the Bush that got it right. I like him.” And said Bush endorsed [4] him in the 2020 election by saying he is “the only thing standing between America and socialism.”

George P.’s seeming affection towards Trump is rather, um, special when you consider the former president’s sniping at his family in the past. You know, saying things like:

“We need another Bush in office about as much as we need Obama to have a third term,” he said in a 2013 tweet. “No more Bushes!”

In 2015 Trump retweeted [9] a Twitter user who made the dumb claim that Jeb Bush “has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife. Even though Jeb’s wife Columba, George P.’s mother — cough-cough — came to the U.S. legally.

Another instance: Last summer George W. Bush called [10] for a return to civility in American politics and life and that led Trump to retort that the former president “was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!”

Frankly, that’s pretty dumb because the elder Bushes haven’t made their dislike of Trump a secret. The late Barbara Bush noted [11] in 2016:

“He doesn’t give many answers to how he would solve problems,” she said, adding “he sort of makes faces and says insulting things.”

And unsurprisingly, Jeb and his brother George W. didn’t vote for him in the 2016 election. There just isn’t any love lost between either side.

But apparently, George P. isn’t fazed by Trump’s insults towards his parents and grandfather.

Kind of tells you what kind of person he is, doesn’t it?